Islamic Militants Changed Their Priorities after Beheading First Japanese Hostage

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( — January 24, 2015)  — One Japanese hostage beheaded, claimed his companion in a video posted on the Internet. SITE Intel Group, an organization that tracks the online activity of terrorists reported a video of Kenji Goto showing a picture of the beheaded body of his fellow captive, Haruna Yukawa.

Reportedly, Jihadists realized they wouldn’t get the money so they decided to try to swap the hostage for one of their female suicide bombers.

Sajida al-Rishawi, an alleged attempted suicide bomber, is believed to be connected to the attack on a hotel in Jordan in 2005, reported Russia Today. When she was captured she confessed a bombing plot, however, later she retracted her confession. According to Russia Today, she was sentenced to death but she appealed to the court and still awaits the sentencing.

Beside request for al-Rishawi releasing, in a video message Goto reportedly blames Japan’s prime minister for Yukawa’s death, because he wouldn’t pay the $200 million ransom within 72 hours. The sum represents the same amount of money Japanese government said they would give as a contribution to the US-led campaign against IS

“This is an outrageous and unacceptable act,” Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said. “We strongly demand the prompt release of the remaining Mr. Kenji Goto, without harm.”

The government is holding an emergency meeting over the situation, Suga confirmed. Japanese government is waiting for authentication of the video.  

Japanese government said they will rescue the Japanese nationals, however Tokyo had failed to contact the militants to negotiate the release in the given time, RT reported.

 The government “is doing everything it can, and saving lives is the top priority,” Suga said.

When his death is officially confirmed, Haruna Yukawa, will be another hostage executed by IS militants in Syria and Iraq because the government wouldn’t pay the ransom.

The list now counts US aid worker Peter Kassig executed in November 2014, UK aid worker Alan Henning murdered in October 2014, UK aid worker David Haines killed in September 2014 and American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, slain in August 2014.