(Newswire.net — January 26, 2015) St. Petersburg, Florida — A brand new medical research assistant position has recently been filled for a patented Overactive Bladder procedure project. This position was specifically formed in order to try to acquire new medical study data and assimilate it with prior research that has been collected. Ultimately the goal of this research position is to discover relevant reasons for why the patented Bladder RE-EXPANSION Technique® rehabilitation procedure is as effective as it actually is.
The medical researcher that has been selected for this position is Dr. David Coradin, MD. Dr. Coradin was selected over other potential candidates due to his high level of achievement and his ability to easily decipher existing medical studies. Because he is a medical doctor with an extremely firm foundation in medical terminology this will enable him to be able to devour medical studies at a relatively rapid rate and immediately know whether they are relevant for this projects exact purposes.
Because the Bladder RE-EXPANSION Technique® patented rehabilitation procedure has a unique approach unlike any other treatment being offered it is important to understand why it is effective. Through research it is possible to try to uncover some of the reasons why it has the potential to benefit so many people. Once we know in much greater detail why it works as effectively as it does that will help it to gain much broader acceptance. This in turn will encourage more people take advantage of it.
Acupuncture physician Justin Mandel DOM AP, the inventor of the non-invasive Bladder RE-EXPANSION Technique® procedure had this to say about filling this medical research assistant position, “I am very glad to have Dr. Coradin working with us on helping to move this massive project forward. Since there is so much more to do I wanted to make sure that we had someone on board who can handle all the details of the research project and be able to make valuable contributions to it. We already have a solid foundation for him to work off of and have provided him with a definite direction to move forward in.
It’s going to be great to see what new information Dr. Coradin can dig up that hasn’t been found yet. With over 1,000 medical studies for him to sort through I am sure that there will be one or two that will help to move us in a different direction which might be something that we have not previously anticipated.”
To discover more about the Bladder RE-EXPANSION Technique go to www.BladderREEXPANSIONtechnique.com
About Natural Bladder Health
Natural Bladder Health offers natural treatments for a wide variety of bladder health conditions including Overactive Bladder. natural bladder health is the only practice in the world that offers the patented Bladder RE-EXPANSION Technique® rehabilitation procedure.