(Newswire.net — March 29, 2015) Tampa Bay, FL — Wendy Darling knows a lot about New Year’s resolutions, at the start of every new year, we all make a commitment to shedding those extra pounds. We make the choice to lose those pounds, then something happens. We end up getting derailed. Whatever commitments we made to ourselves, they fall by the wayside. What happens? Any number of things really. We either get too busy. It becomes too hard to focus. We simply lose interest.
Wendy is a very important individual for this subject. You can read more on her at her professional sites and pages.
Wendy didn’t start out down this road. She had spent 20 + years living by extreme organization. She knew what her life was. She got into an accident back in 1991. This was a tragic accident, one which forced her to reexamine everything. Her years of recuperation were painful. It was during this time the universe pointed her into another direction. The universe pointed her onto a path of healing and helping others.
It was during this time that she discovered some hidden talents, talents she never knew she had. She found a very keen intuition inside of her. This keen intuition has led her to helping others.
Her programs are geared towards parents, kids and anybody else who needs help. Her programs are not just focused around weight-loss. According to Wendy, it’s “much more then that.” This is why she believes that it’s all mental. If you believe you can achieve something, you can. Through her programs she teaches others to believe in themselves and their dreams.
The accident that she had more then 20 years ago, forever changed her. She now makes it her life mission to help others find their purpose. She believes that once someone knows what the want to accomplish, they too can get it.
According to Wendy, “success begins with removing the roadblocks.” It’s these inner roadblocks that prevent us from achieving what we want. This is actually pretty good advise to live by.
Want to read up on more of her programs, go online to her site now. Once you remove the blocks in your life, you’ll be on your way.
About CEO Space Intertnational
Berny Dohrmann founded CEO Space International more than 25 years ago. Mr. Dohrmann has embraced his vision for entrepreneurial collaboration by giving prospective business leaders the tools and education they need to succeed.