Unique Leadership Empowerment Workshops Offered

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(Newswire.net — April 29, 2015) Blacksburg, VA — 

The SynerVision Leadership Foundation’s Nonprofit Executive Leadership Workshop is a one-day intensive for nonprofit Executive Directors, Board Chair Person, Pastors, Rabbis, and other leaders in social benefit work. This one-day intensive session is designed to present the aspects of Transformational Leadership and a skill set and as a system. Leadership is a culture and not a training program.


Hugh BallouHugh Ballou, The Transformational Leadership Strategist, has developed and extensive body of content based on his 40 years working as a musical conductor and applying the leadership skills of the conductor to organizational leadership, culture development, board development and personal leadership skills. In hundreds of engagements with nonprofits on 4 continents, Ballou has developed a proprietary program that uncovers the missing elements of traditional leadership methodologies.


His online training programs, leadership magazine Nonprofit Professional Performance 360 Magazine, online Community for Community Builders, and keynote presentations have influenced leaders around the globe.


Having developed the methodology, Ballou is sharing the leadership system with social benefit leaders in 10 cities in 2015. Coming out of the initial program in Chicago, the workshop continues in Aurora Colorado on May 15 at the Aurora Chamber of Commerce. For details go to: http://synervisionfoundation.org/summit/workshop/workshop-denver/


This intensive session is interactive including the following:

  • Content presentation
  • Application exercises
  • Discussions of topics and issues relevant to participants
  • Problem solving – addressing actual issues of participants


Take-aways include the following:

  • To inventory and upgrade leadership skills for
    • The executive
    • The board
    • The stakeholders
    • To define ways to empower and engage boards and stakeholders
      • Learn how to connect engagement with strategy
      • To develop a framework for strategic planning
        • To empower stakeholder engagement and create team synergy
        • To clarify value for potential funders
        • To identify sources of revenue
        • To identify and upgrade organizational processes and systems
          • To learn tools and strategies for the following
            • Conducting Power-Packed Meetings
            • Composing Goals that Work
            • Defining ways to create more servant leaders in action


Other cities on the schedule for 2015 include San Diego, CA, Dallas, TX, Indianapolis, IN, Chicago, IL, Blacksburg, VA, Greensboro, NC, Salt Lake City, UT, Baltimore, MD and several others. For inquiries on details on workshops, email info@synervisionfoundation.org Options are open for workshops in other cities.

About SynerVision Leadership Foundation

SynerVision Leadership Foundation guides the life-changing, life-saving global impact of nonprofit organizations of all types. By empowering nonprofit organizations, including religious and education institutions, to move beyond maintenance thinking to success mentality, such that their mission and impact is greatly magnified. This will be accomplished by transforming the culture by developing leaders, engaging members as stakeholders, and guiding organizations from their existing to their envisioned cultures. Follow us on Twitter @SVNPOFoundation

SynerVision Leadership Foundation

1224 Burley Lane
Blacksburg, VA 24060
United States