Cosby Dodged ABC’s Host Questions on Sexual Abuse Allegations

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( — May 16, 2015) — More than 30 women have come forward in the past six months accusing famous 77-year-old comedian Bill Cosby of drugging or sexually assaulting them. In exclusive interview, Cosby told ABC News’ Linsey Davis that he expect some backslash prior his speech at the University of Alabama.

“I think that many of them may say, ‘Well, you are a hypocrite. You say one thing, you say another,’” he told Davis.

While Cosby’s legal team issued a number of denials, he never comment anything about accusations, and no charges have been made. Cosby is fighting a three lawsuits filed by his accusers, ABC News reported.

Cosby is not sure whether the allegations will overshadow his message, as he is now a part of an initiative to bring awareness about the state of underfunded schools near Selma, Alabama.

“It’s interesting. When I talk to people they will say, ‘This is a situation that’s unprecedented.’ I, my family, my friends, I have been in this business 52 years,” he said. “I’ve never seen anything like this. And reality is the situation. And I can’t speak.”

Cosby has been invited to walk across the historic Edmund Pettus Bridge with students as part of a “March for Education,” ABC News reported. His participation, however, sparked a boiling online discussion whether it is appropriate for organizers to invite a man accused of sexual abuse.

“We had some very rich discussions about it, but at the end of the day what was most important was: How do we make sure the world knows that Black Belt children matter?” said Felecia Lucky, the organization’s president.

In his first appearing in an interview after allegations on sexual abuse, Cosby nor admitted nor denied the allegations. When it comes to a message of life, Cosby believe that students will show more concern about the path that lies before them, than “concern who’s giving the message.”

Though he had long and rich carrier on TV, he is not ready to leave the business and told NBC News that he is going to return on TV.

“I really know about what I want to do tomorrow — in the tomorrows that follow,” he told Davis. “I have a ton of ideas to put on television for a series about people and their behavior and their love for each other.”