Just Add Water: Lawn Watering Tips From Lawn Doctor

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(Newswire.net — May 29, 2015) Hanover, MA — It’s hard to believe but we are now in a drought.  Who could imagine after the snowiest winter on record that lawn and landscapes are now starved for precipitation.  Many lawns are showing signs of dry soil and starting to brown-out.  We are seeing the curling of leaves on trees and shrubs due to the lack of adequate hydration and still have weeks before the official start of summer.


Here in Massachusetts, recent temperatures over 80 degrees sparked a symphony rendition of our favorite tune. In application, results drawn from the simple pleasure of watering our lawns are anything but. Lawn Doctor of Hanover’s Horticulturist Mike McDonald insists that only with balanced hydration, your home can greet guests with “green carpet rather than a parched Brillo Pad or puddle of mud.” A preemptive review of essential watering techniques will set you and your grass on course to a showcase season before you can work the knots and kinks out of your hoses.


Know your lawns needs. Keep track of how much natural water your lawn gets week to week. Either buy a tool called a rain gauge for this task or simply leave a coffee can outside and measure accumulation weekly with a standard ruler. The goal of watering patterns is the maintenance of a consistent hydration level. As such, watering schedules should be regularly adjusted in accordance with rainfall.  The most important time to water is shortly after the lawn has been mowed.  The moisture lost from cutting will dry out the plant if there is not moisture readily available in the soil.


For a rule of thumb: lawns lose approximately one inch of water per week during the summer months.  Accordingly, the amount of water you apply should be determined by how many inches of rain have already fallen on your lawn. For example, if your lawn received half of an inch of rain during the week, watering by sprinklers should be targeted to supplement the other half an inch. If your lawn gets an inch or more of rain another week, no additional watering is needed.


Observe the time of day when using sprinklers to compensate for inadequate rainfall. Mike McDonald recommends watering early in the morning (4 a.m. – 8 a.m.) as “water loss by evaporation is low – which conserves water. Then, the midday heat dries the grass before night falls –avoiding conditions that fungus like to cultivate in.” If an early rise or an automated watering system are out of the question, just make sure not to water at night. Night watering will only help fungus and pests to thrive – not your lawn.


Those experienced in lawn care hope for the best but plan for the worst. Dry spells create the need to redevelop your approach to watering. If a short-term drought is foreseeable, let your lawn grow longer by reducing frequency of mows or raising your mowers blade. Longer blade length allows for a deeper root structure capable of increased water retention. If water restrictions become a contributing factor to your watering schedule, aim to keep at least a quarter inch of the recommended full inch of water hitting your lawn per week.


Rarely, oppressive droughts with longer duration call for handling with long-term damage control in mind. Though not pretty, extreme conditions may call for the termination of any watering, allowing the lawn to use its natural defense: becoming dormant. Watering during this time is not recommend, as it could shock the plant out of dormancy as well as creating damp conditions for pests and mold to develop.


Watering needs differ from lawn to lawn.  Consider consulting an expert such as Mike McDonald of Lawn Doctor to tailor a watering schedule that fosters peak conditions and minimizes damage and waste.


Lawn Doctor is focused on working in harmony with the science of nature. Every service is designed to boost natural growth. This goes beyond the use of simple, green products. The company’s proprietary technology allows its lawn professionals to precisely measure and apply the optimum blend of nutrients and weed control – doing the right thing for your lawn and the environment.


A healthy lawn creates oxygen, removes dust and dirt, and filters water passing through its roots leaving pollutants behind and many more benefits. Lawn Doctor of Boston, the South Shore, and Cape Cod is a local, family owned and operated business serving over 6,000 homeowners in the Greater Boston region.  Main offices are located in Hanover, MA.


For more information about Lawn Doctor, visit www.LawnDoctor.com or call 800-831-1319.





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Lawn Doctor of Boston, the South Shore, and Cape Cod

273 Winter St, #1
Hanover, MA 02339
United States