New Company Simply Clever Cards Provides Unique Mathematics Strategy for Kids

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( — July 7, 2015) Saratoga , FL — With the launch of the deck of cards by Simply Clever Cards, educators and parents across America are being armed with a powerful resource that helps kids to cement mathematical concepts and rules.  The deck of cards offer a refreshing strategy to enhance the learning experience with a subject deemed as difficult by many.

By designing this deck of math flash cards, Simply Clever Cards intended to break the curse of fear for Mathematics by kids.  The deck, which is similar to a regular deck of playing cards, includes 52 color-coded cards that make it easy to take away from the seriousness of the learning process.

For parents and teachers the math flash cards act as a fun but educational substitute to a toy or technological device that tend to get the attention of children outside of school hours.  Playing with the cards offers an organic stimulation of the brain for learning and having fun simultaneously.

The deck of cards include ideas of games that can be played with children to improve number comprehension, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions and more.  Designed specifically for children 7 years old and older the math cards effectively help to develop the critical skills of children, as confirmed by parents who purchased the cards via Amazon.

One satisfied customer shared, “I bought these for my daughter.  She is in elementary school.  We live in a state that is following the Common Core Standard.  I had no issues with math in high school.  But for the life of me, I cannot grasp this concept.  So I have a hard time helping her.  I found these flash cards and decided to give them a try. I’m glad I did.  They have helped her so much.  She’s finally getting better at figuring out her math problems.  I believe that having a solid base in the basics of math will help you later in high school with the higher math.  And that is what I’m striving for her to do.  These little cards are wonderful.”

An interesting twist to this unique deck of cards is that it can double as a regular deck of cards for playing tradition card games including War, UNO, Go Fish, Old Maid, Crazy Eights and Memory.  Simply Clever Cards offers these math flash cards with a full money back guarantee within 30 days for a full refund if for any reason the buyer is not completely satisfied with the learning process provided by their trademark math flash cards.

Upon launching the deck of Math Flash Cards, Simply Clever Cards highlighted that their goal is “to help your children and students learn.” 

About Simply Clever Cards

We help you understand boring and difficult topics by playing entertaining games. Our NEXT GENERATION EDUCATIONAL CARDS ™ combine the benefits of traditional flash cards with ordinary playing cards. Simply Clever Cards™ staff have 15 years’ experience with developing exciting learning approaches online and offline – based on educational research and tested in many countries, languages and cultures.

Simply Clever Cards

4283 Express Lane
Saratoga , FL 34238
United States