News 111 Launches Global Leadership Academies

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( — July 17, 2015) Kingston-upon-Thames, SURREY — It is well recognized that a sense of purpose is a driving force to growth and development.


Well sense of purpose is not lacking in the extraordinary who is committed to rolling out 111 Global Leadership Academies from June 2015 to December 2016. is in action with partners to roll out the leadership academies under the umbrella of  http://’   Psi Pi Group and others supporting


The news is that is serving a cadre of leaders focusing on the future of leadership.


These host leaders are committed to developing themselves and others to find the genius within themselves. leaders are passionate about unleashing their vision, creativity, technological advancement and consciousness raising for a better world, a world that works for everyone.


The leaders are modelling their transformational development on the work of john David Garcia and her partners speak about the future, fun, freedom, joy, optimising communication and simplifying systems.


In conversation with I get a sennse that change, new technologies, strategic partnerships, collaboration across boundaries, a new game for money, simplification and application of wisdom, facilitative and empowering relationships, are sign posts to how they see The Future of Leadership.


A sense of purpose permeates the conversation, where says: We have conversations inside of questions:

  • How flexible and adaptable is your leadership?
  • Are you passionate about firing people up to release their creativity and vision?
  • How present are you to the impact of how technology is changing our world?
  • Who do you need to be in order to create a world that works for everyone?
  • What changes are required within your environment and within your sphere of influence to harness the creativity and maximise the potential of your team, family and people with whom you are connected?

These questions are just the tip of the iceberg. commented that within the 111 Global Leadership Academies, the focus will be on the  The future of leadership.

A sense of purpose and passion is encapsulated in the vision for a New Optimal World™ Now questions are asked and suggestions ar made  inside the questions.


The movement of the future of leadership is a call to action to address:

How do we lead humankind into a bright better future?

How do we create a world that brings out the optimal potential and creativity of everyone?


If our world does not work optimally for everyone, then it does not work for anyone.

Who will be part of the solution to the future of leadership? 


The Future are moving fast, Who will be on board with some of the most creative and conscious people on earth.

Who are the people who make things happen and shake things up? believes that our world is changing fast and new approaches to leading and maximising people’s creativity is crucial. There are increasingly new ways to visualise work and the world.


New ways to: create what you imagine, become practical in your daily life, to connect in virtual space, connect, empower and leverage relationships and partnerships. is now enrolling VIP members to be part of a global network to build teams to establish the leadership academies.

Each VIP member who choses to be a leader of an academy will bei engaged in building a Top 10 Team, to establish, sustain and advance the momentum in building out the academy and have a share in the profits. says to have a big success, you have to have a big vision and  a great team. is clear that success leaves clues. so the movement subscribes to the philosophy that everyone comes from a source of greatness and in the process of enrolment for the 111 global leadership academies seeks academy centre leaders who are:


  • Focused on: serving humanity, future orientation, being more able and adding value.
  • Open to hosting the development of the consciousness of human beings.
  • Leaders who are focused on possibilities and the future of leadership.
  • Host creative thinking, nurturing a spectrum that is attractive to young people.
  • Ready to have the experience of being a leader rather than having the conversation of being a leader, people who are committed to pulling the future towards them.
  • Standing in their natural self-expression of leadership and demonstrating integrity.
  • Show ability to thrive and prosper.


Each academy leader will oversee the strategic, operational and marketing plans for the academy and each of the academy leader’s top ten team member gathering 10 people as part of a team to support that member’s role and function. says as soon as there are 111 committed people within a city, my partners will set up Geodesic dome structures to host the academies.

Starting with leaders who are ready to be authentic and courageous. The goals of the leadership academies are to: 

  • Enable and empower leaders, to add value to the lives of other people globally and locally.
  • Develop a cadre of leaders who are committed to developing themselves and others to find the internal genius within the human being.
  • Facilitate Authentic Leaders who are committed to living their lives and dreams in an inspiring and powerful way to unleash creativity, joy and passion.
  • Inspire leaders to stand for an optimal world; a world that works better for everyone. articulates that when you are engaged in being lovable, loving yourself and others; living your passion, purpose and dreams – you become more creative, you have more freedom, fun and magic. believes that when you stand for making your biggest contribution – even when you do not know how you are going to accomplish your contribution; that when the contribution is bigger than you, then you are able for making a difference in the world. believes that the world is constantly changing, it demands attention to a future and a better world for everyone, in particular a better world for millennials.


The core curriculum of the leadership academies will be focused on: goals and ambition, facilitating people to plan optimally and leverage creativity, new technology, entrepreneurism, optimization of communication, living powerfully, leadership skills, health and wellness; development of partnerships, intelligent designs, developing profit centres market share and mind-share.



As a leader of a leadership academy, you will be a participant in life long learning and you will have access to developing your entrepreneurial skills and through your entrepreneurism you will have to power to enable you to become financially free and clear. You will learn how to make technology work for you instead of you working for technology.


Academies will be rolled out between now and December(12),  2015 in 36 Mega Cites, Cities with more than 10 million people 


Readers who are inspired to lead an academy want to be a part of the global movement  are asked to send an email to or text +44 7768 000321 to arrange and integrity interview with and partners  State your full legal name, the city and the country in which you wish to lead, your mobile telephone – including your country code.




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