Thor Halvorssen Mendoza Discusses Human Rights Meaning

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( — July 20, 2015) New York, NY –Thor Halvorssen Mendoza, noted human rights defender and the founder and president of the Human Rights Foundation or HRF, discussed his definition of “human rights” in a recent interview and how it impacts the population of the world.

“We talk a lot about human rights, but many people have varying definitions of what those words actually mean,” he noted. “HRF defines human rights according to the ICCPR to mean the basic rights that all people should enjoy without interference rather than special rights conveyed by governments or groups. For example, the right to live without the fear of death is a basic human right we believe every government should protect. No one should ever be targeted, imprisoned or killed for their religious beliefs, their political views or their race or ethnicity,” he says.

He went on to say that human rights should encompass more than the right to simply stay alive. The right to practice one’s religion freely, participate in government, have access to basic necessities such as food and healthcare and to be free of conditions of slavery in order to pursue an independent life are also encompassed in the group’s definition. For more information, see

About Thor Halvorssen Mendoza: Thor Halvorssen Mendoza is a human rights activist and the founder and CEO of the Human Rights Foundation (HRF). This group is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that promotes and protects global human rights and unites people in the common cause of promoting democracy. The group focuses on the founding ideals of the human rights movement represented in the 1976 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).


For More Information:
Thor Halvorssen Mendoza

The Human Rights Foundation

350 Fifth Avenue, 4515
New York, NY 10118
United States
(212) 246-8486