Bzzzzzzz…. Lawn Doctor announces New Mosquito Control.

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( — July 22, 2015) Hanover, MA — Your yard should be buzzing with barbecues, block parties, and the radio broadcast of the Sox – not the hum of mosquitoes.  Because, New England mosquitoes barely flinch at tiki-torches, bug zappers, and aerosol sprays, thus Lawn Doctor of Boston, the South Shore, and Cape Cod created a comprehensive mosquito control program called Yard Armour.  This comprehensive service addresses prevention, control, and maintenance of mosquitoes.

Preventative measures can help to reduce the presents of these biting bullies.  The removal of stagnant water and objects that might create them is step one. How much water does a mosquito need to breed? The Yard Armor® section of the Lawn Doctor of Hanover’s website invites us to “think of a teaspoon.” Water in dog bowls and bird baths should be changed regularly to avoid ripe breeding climates for mosquitoes.

Trim your lawn and bushes frequently.  To a mosquito, overgrown grass and shrubbery can look like a nice place to raise a family.  Although your spouse has already informed you, cleaning out rain gutters regularly is important. As each lawn differs, specific advice from a lawn care expert can help create the ideal balance for your lawn.

Though the preventative steps outlined above are highly effective, summer is in full swing and most of us don’t have a time machine in our shed next to the spare hose.  As such, existing mosquito infestations must be combated head on. Lawn Doctor’s Yard Armour offers highly effective chemical treatments as well as natural options.  The traditional chemical treatment consists of one or more applications of repellent.  Additional supplementation of repellent can be achieved through the installation of a device called the Mosquito Sentry®.  The Mosquito Sentry® releases a vaporized repellent fog to keep these flying annoyances away in between full treatments.

Environmentally conscious home owners who put the ‘green’ in ‘green thumb’ will be relieved to know there are numerous natural approaches to combating existing mosquito infestations. One such method is through the use of consumer devices known as ‘targets.’ These devices gain their namesake from the fact that they mimic mosquitoes natural targets: man and pet. Carbon-Dioxide is released at regular intervals to create this effect, as this is the same gas we release that attracts the pests. Though these devices can act as an effective diversion, ongoing mosquito control, like that offered through Lawn Doctor, may prove necessary as well as economic.

For more information about Lawn Doctor, visit or call 800-831-1319.

Lawn Doctor

273 Winter Street, #1
Hanover, MA 02339
United States