(Newswire.net — September 12, 2015) Las Vegas, NV —
Domestic violence is a serious offense that carries with it serious consequences. In Nevada, domestic violence is defined as being “a violent confrontation that occurs between family members or between people who live together or between people in a dating relationship” (see City of Las Vegas, Nevada Website).
But it’s not always so cut and dry when it comes down to who the aggressor was and who the victim was. Many times, in fact, the party who is charged as the “perpetrator” might only have been acting in self-defense. Or perhaps, alcohol or drug use was present and the lines become blurred when determining if intentional, physical contact actually occurred.
Stories can be embellished and lies can be told, to attack or “get back” at the other party. And sadly, there are many circumstances when domestic violence charges are strewn about like chess moves in a complicated child custody case.
No matter the case, the only sure thing is that you will need legal assistance. In the eyes of the justice system, you are now a defendant who must defend not only your record, but also your name, reputation, and livelihood.
So, what can you do if you’re facing domestic violence charges? First, don’t panic. The thought of a misdemeanor, or worse a felony, hanging over your record might seem pretty daunting, if not petrifying. Felony and misdemeanor convictions can cause unnecessary difficulty obtaining employment, engaging in certain activities, and could very well affect your reputation in the community. It’s nothing to be treated lightly. Before you go into freak-out mode, step back, take a breath, and look at the big picture. You’re not the first person to be in this troublesome position, and you’re not the last. You will get through this, get past it even, and your life will go on.
The next thing to do is a no brainer: GET LEGAL COUNSEL ON YOUR SIDE ASAP! In all legal dilemmas, but particularly in cases of domestic violence, timing is everything. By securing the right Las Vegas domestic violence attorney from the get-go, you’ll go from restless nights to feeling self-assured in no time. An experienced defense attorney will handle your case like it’s his or her own record and reputation at stake.
A good attorney will get to the truth of the matter by listening to you, first and foremost, and by treating you with respect.
Next, your attorney will conduct a preliminary fact finding investigation to gather information that will place you in the best light possible. By getting started early, your attorney has the opportunity to get your charges lowered or, best case scenario, dismissed all together.
Lastly, avoid situations of conflict during this period. It is important to remove yourself from potential criminal activity or unnecessary drama that could attract legal attention. While it is not always feasible, try your best to carry on with all of your normal day-to-day activities and remain positive about the outcome of your case. The old saying of “pick your battles” is an important one to remember right now let your attorney take care of this battle while you carry on with the rest.
(Newswire.net — September 12, 2015) Las Vegas, NV —
Mace Yampolsky, Las Vegas Domestic Violence Attorney
625 S. 6th StreetLas Vegas, NV 89101
United States