Health and Environmental Issues Matter More than Ever in the Workplace

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( — September 30, 2015) — It is becoming increasingly obvious that the quality of the air we breathe on a daily basis is worsening. You can just look at the air and see it in many cases which isn’t a good sign at all. If you can see the air you are breathing, there is definitely some form of pollutant in it! With so many airborne pollutants outdoors, it is even more important to improve the quality of the air we breathe inside. When it comes to the workplace, there are a number of environmental issues that matter more than ever before.

Almost 4 Million Premature Deaths Annually

If you consider the fact that the World Health Organization, WHO, states that there are more than 3.5 million deaths per year that are directly attributed to poor air quality, then you will realize how much more important it is to keep the air quality within the workplace as healthy as possible. In some industries it is necessary to use powerful fume extractors so that those inhalants don’t filter their way throughout the entire building and even beyond. Whether working in a confined area such as a garage or in a large industrial plant, it is vital to pull any toxins and known carcinogens from the air before they do irreparable damage to humans and other forms of life.

Lesser Known and Even More Frightening Effects of Air Pollutants

One of the rules of engagement is to know your enemy. When going into battle, armies size each other up to determine their strengths and weaknesses. The same can be said of air pollution. It is well known that there are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of pollutants in the air we breathe that are known carcinogens. What is even more disturbing is that many of these same pollutants take a toll on our emotional and psychological well-being. A team of research scientists conducted a study last autumn in Wuhan, China and the results were unbelievable. It was found that in urban areas those airborne pollutants affected behavior which interfered with job performance.

The Importance of Air and Fume Filtration on the Job

Those same toxins are released in the process of manufacturing many products and this is why it is critical to get a superior air and fume filtration system in place. With powerful fume extractors, productivity is increased but also the life expectancy of those working in and around those chemicals will not be prematurely shortened. Of the most frightening psychological effects observed in the above mentioned study is the fact that hazardous pollutants were shown to cause what is being termed ‘ego depletion.’ Of note was the observation that this created a tendency towards deviant behavior. Workers were unable to control a number of thought processes including self-control.

If you doubt just how toxic many chemical fumes are in the workplace, you only need to see what WHO is saying about the subject. Study after study indicates that we are not properly seeing to the quality of air workers are breathing which is having devastating consequences. The answer? Work towards greener manufacturing processes and filter the air before it does its deadly deed.