Model Miranda Kerr Uses Coconut Oil for Beauty Regimen

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( — October 11, 2015) Albuquerque, NM — Miranda Kerr claimed that her blemish free skin and glossy hair is due to the daily doses of coconut oil. While she takes the liquid form not many persons are able digest oil hence the reason why CKL brands has provided an easier way for coconut oil to be taken, with the production of their virgin coconut oil capsules.  

CKL Brands virgin coconut oil capsule supplements are certified 100 percent organic and are unrefined and cold pressed. Each bottle contains 120 capsules for a 30 day intake and are noted to be filled with fatty acids while being naturally free of bad cholesterol, gluten, trans-fat and hydrogenated fats.

Since its release on, the coconut oil capsules have been receiving rave reviews. One customer, Mommy Of Five, had this to say, “These capsules are great. While taking these I have noticed my skin is clearing up, I have more energy and I feel fuller during a meal. These are great and easy to swallow. Being a person prone to break outs is no fun. My face looks so much better since I started taking these.”

With Miranda Kerr, apparently sparking an increase in sales of coconut oil and coconut oil capsules, according to the Daily Mail article, many other users have come out with good things to say.

“This product is the newest addition to my health regimen I was very excited to get a quality Virgin Coconut Oil product to help me balance my lipid profile. This one works well for me. If you are looking for balance in your health regimen then get yourself a bottle of this. You will notice a positive change in the way you feel that gets better every day, helping you extend the quality and length of your life,” said Sherri Jackson, a verified Amazon reviewer.

CKL Brands’ coconut oil capsules are available on amazon and come with a 100 percent money back guarantee. Additionally, with every purchase of two bottles, customers automatically get free shipping.


CLKBRANDS is a leading supplier of virgin coconut oil in the USA. They are focused on providing health supplements that cater to health conscious individuals. The company sells dietary supplements that have proven to be of high quality. CLKBRANDS is also known for its customer-centric marketing campaign.


3705 Ellison Blvd NW
Ste B-1, #399
Albuquerque, NM 87114
United States