(Newswire.net — November 26, 2015) — There is a new viral challenge that has taken over social media. Educational challenge, health challenge, anti-terrorism challenge, no to rasism challenge? No, it’s the condom challenge, believe it or not. There are very few things which are beyond imagination left in the fantasy pool, so we simply have to believe it. In this case, seeing is believing.
The way to take part in it is very simple. Everything you need is a condom and another person who will fill it with water and put it over your head. It stays there for a few seconds and then it (hopefully) pops up. It’s amazing what teenage imagination can come up with. Amazing or amazingly stupid?
According to Tweeter (after one of the videos got 9000 retweets), this challenge promotes safe sex. As far as parents are concerned it is just a stupid act. Why? Because there is no hint in the challenge that teenagers understand what a purpose of a condom really is and additionally, they can hurt themselves. If we think of the recent example of fun with condoms (snorting it through the nose and taking it out the mouth), then the poll is ready:which of the two is more stupid and harmful? No injuries have been reported so far, but it is possible that they can occur, they are just sitting and binding their time. Even if injuries are left aside, what is actually going on with kids? Do they have too much free time, do they know everything about sex and where from, do they already have sex or are they just childish and so unbelievably bored? Anything can be fun until someone gets hurt.
If that happens, a battle between parents and schools begin. Since kids spend a good part of the day at school, typical questions arise like who is more to blame, schools that don’t pay enough attention to what kids should be taught, not just history or math but some things important for life or parents who are too busy, don’t spend enough time with their kids and leave them to the street. Instead of acting preventively, it usually comes to damage repair and throwing the ball into somebody else’s courtyard. It can be assumed that the media will also have their say in the matter, at least to defend themselves. But the harm had already been done, Eventually, it will all be forgotten after a few days or when a new type of fun is invented and the wheel goes on again. After watching a video it is very easy to decide whether it is great fun or great stupidity.