It Takes More to Make a Terrorist than Climate Change

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( — November 28, 2015) — Is there a possible connection between climate change and terrorism? It seems there is, according to UN’s Secretary General, Ban Ki Mun.”When we do not address climate change properly it may also affect many people who are frustrated and who are impacted, then there is some possibility that these young people who are jobless and frustrated may join these foreign terrorist fighters.”- he said in his interview for CBC News.

This possibility cannot be ruled out, of course, although unemployment had been one of the major reasons for dissatisfaction before the term climate change was invented. There are other  possible reasons why people become terrorists that have absolutely nothing to do with the climate change and there are many people who are unemployed and never become terrorists. Poor, yes, beggars, yes, homeless, yes, but not terrorists.

For one, it is religion and fanaticism which do not have to go together but are very often entwined and in so many ways wrongly equalized. Religion is the easiest way  to attract people and brainwash them in such a way that even if it happens that they realize what they are asked to do in the name of God, this act does not correspond to either their religious or any other beliefs. And then it is often too late to back out, because they find themselves among people who do not tolerate change of heart and have to comply with their wishes. Very few of them survive before their duty is done, because they are usually afraid for their families and will do anything to protect them.

There are also people who do not live long enough to become adults  and get the chance to decide for themselves, but they are definitely old enough to become terrorists. They are usually trained from their early childhood, raised in some hidden training camps together with many others, very rarely do they live longer than their mid- twenties when the time for them to fulfill their purpose on Earth as suicide bombers comes.

One of the groups which are most worrying is a group of people who apparently live their normal lives for years, do their ordinary jobs, have families, celebrate most of the holidays and out of the blue become terrorists. The most common reason for this is a death of somebody dear to them or some other type of injustice that somehow presses the button with the word ‘retaliation’ on it. These people suddenly become somebody else and next they find themselves shooting at people randomly or blowing something up or whatever comes to their mind in these desperate moments.

Or maybe it’s just the climate change, we’ll never know.