Deported Migrants Sent Back to Greece

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( — December 4, 2015) — The altercation between the EU and Pakistan is still on and it seems that Pakistan has decided to spice it a little bit more. Pakistan rejected 31 people from the plane which came from Greece, saying they were illegally returned. 19 out of 50 deportees were taken into custody in Pakistan and the rest of them were left to wait on the plane for couple of hours before they were instructed to return to Greece, with a comment from the government that their papers were not in order. All 50 people from that plane had got their passports issued by the Pakistani embassies in Bulgaria, Austria and Greece.

Chaudhrey Nisar Ali Khan, the Pakistani interior minister was very angry with the EU in regard with the treatment his compatriots have been receiving from European states, challenged with the major migrant crisis ever. Khan said in a statement:” Pakistani laws have been violated, which absolutely cannot be allowed”.

Early this November Khan put an agreement on readmitting illegal detainees on hold, because two EU countries sent Pakistanis away based on terrorism charges. Khan was pretty firm and said:” Those who give lectures on fundamental rights to us should also respect fundamental rights of Pakistanis”.

Dimitris Avramopoulos, the EU commissioner responsible for migration policy went to Pakistan last week and tried to put out the fire, but Pakistanis did not give in to pressure. They demanded that the migrants must have their national identity card number which was impossible for EU to organize and which additionally was not  part of the deal between the EU and Pakistan. The EU said:” The list of names (of the deportees) had been sent to the Pakistani authorities earlier, providing sufficient time to the relevant Pakistani authorities to find the missing numbers for the returnees”.

Every year around 50000 Pakistanis travel to Europe for work and 21000 of them were sent back to Pakistan last year because they were found in Europe without permission.Ther eruption actually began on the Greek-Macedonian border a few days ago when Macedonian police repelled migrants coming mostly from Pakistan, who were trying to pass a new border fence. This incident in fact blocked Syrians and migrants from other countries who, as war refugees, would most likely have been allowed to pass. The migrant crisis continues with no visible solution at hand.