Fit Life Forever More Announces Scott Tucker Ab DVD

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( — December 7, 2015) Las Vegas, NV — Fit Life Forever More, the web center for health and exercise tips, will feature the release of Scott Tucker’s ‘Ab Workout’ DVD with photos and video clips. Tucker announced the upcoming release of his workout DVD in the most recent article on the Fit Life Forever More blog. The DVD features six hours of ab workout exercises and additional supplementary cardio recommendations.

“From the clips Tucker has given us so far this looks to be like a very user friendly program,” says Fit Life Forever More editor Brittany Logerfield. “He has taken the time to explain the details of each exercise in his ab workout so that the user can check their own positioning and make sure they are doing it correctly. This makes the DVD a worthwhile purchase because it produces results thanks to Tucker’s attention to detail.”

The Scott Tucker ‘Ab Workout’ DVD will be available spring 2016 at $10 per DVD and will also be available in MP3 download form on Tucker’s website. The DVD contains 4 one hour long training videos which feature three 20 minute ab exercises each. An introduction and positioning video starts off the DVD and a stretching conclusion video ends the DVD program.

“My program is intensive but produces a stronger core and a good base to begin defining abs,” says Tucker. “The best and healthiest approach to becoming stronger throughout the body is to work on the abs as part of a core strengthening workout. My new ab workout DVD will work for newbies and for veterans of ab workouts who want to improve their technique and get real results.”

Fit Life Forever More will detail where the ‘Ab Workout’ DVD can be purchased after Tucker releases in-store sale information. Tucker will sell the DVD and MP3 versions of his new DVD on his website later this spring.

About Fit Life Forever More

Fit Life Forever More features detailed posts about everything exercise and fitness related. We are an inspiration to non-healthy and healthy people alike who seek to improve their bodies and minds with an active lifestyle. Our posts and articles update readers on the upcoming trends of exercise with information on indoor and outdoor activities. We cover and review new fitness courses as well as exercise programs available online and on DVD.

About Scott Tucker

Scott Tucker is a professional trainer and ex athlete living in Las Vegas, NV working as a personal trainer in his own private gym studio. He has created multiple training videos over his 10 year career and has released them all independently. His favorite workouts include leg and ab focused training with supplementary cardio.