(Newswire.net — January 2, 2016) — The President of European Commission Jean Claude Juncker was in a good mood when he greeted guests at the Eastern Partnership Summit held in Riga, in May 2015. He behaved awkwardly, comparing his tie to the ties of other men. Then, he greeted the Prime Minister of Hungary with the words “Hello, dictator “. Social networks have assumed that Juncker was drunk, but this was not confirmed.
At the UN General Assembly in September 2105. President Barack Obama participated, among other world leaders. President Obama’s speech lasted for 42 minutes, instead of the announced 15 minutes. United States Secretary of State John Kerry yawned, without hesitation.
The UN General Assembly was reported by all major world media, including CNN. Upon completion of the speech by Russian President Vladimir Putin, the head of the station called Putin Boris Yeltsin. The woman was not confused, she laughed and admitted that she simply “missed” some 20 years.
Before the meeting of the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and the US Secretary of State John Kerry, in December, journalists asked the Russian foreign minister whether he was optimistic about the signing of the agreement on Iran’s nuclear program. The diplomat joked: “I am not paid to be an optimist”. Kerry also made a joke, he assumed that Lavrov, in fact, is not paid enough. Everyone liked that joke.
Barack Obama’s lapses during a news conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary of explosions on the London Underground, will be remembered as well. President Obama said the US plans to accelerate the training of the terrorists of so-called Islamic state.
NATO is a serious military institution, where there is no place for humor and entertainment. However, during the Summit in Turkey, it turned out that this is not so. Heads of member states of NATO and other high officials, together sang the song “We Are the World”. Their vocal abilities were not on a high level, but they were entertaining.