Telco Security Issues for Businesses

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( — January 18, 2016) — Telecommunications security is an issue that impacts most businesses. If you are a business owner who uses smart devices, mobile apps, or cloud services in particular, you’ll want to stay on top of the latest security issues in this industry. Data can be leaked, destroyed, or collected if the proper protocols are not in place. The telecom landscape is one that is constantly shifting, so these protocols must be continually revised for best results. Here are a few of the top security telco security issues facing business owners at the moment.

Human Error

One of the biggest security threats to any business isn’t anything as insidious as corporate espionage, but unfortunately it’s something that every business can fall prey to. A lack of training in security issues can be a major problem. Social media leaks are becoming increasingly frequent, along with leaked data or weak passwords. A business’s security is only as strong as the weakest link, so if your entire team hasn’t been briefed about encryption protocols, you’ll be prone to damages down the road.

Wearable Tech

Wearable technology is hitting the mainstream, and can be particularly useful in the office where they can boost employee productivity and enable telecommuting. Yet there are both legal and security issues that stem from wearable tech. To begin with, wearable devices make it possible to record conversations or private data found in the office, whether it’s of a creative or financial nature. If an employee stores the business’s intellectual property on his or her smartwatch, once again this must be backed up with the strongest security methods. Data could be unwittingly collected and transmitted to others. It’s possible for a business to ban wearable technology, or to formulate a clear security strategy based on risk assessment.

Supply Chain Weaknesses

For larger companies that operate on an international basis, another major telco security concern is the possibility of the supply chain to be compromised. If a tech company’s hardware comes from Japan while its software is coming from Germany, there is the possibility that at some point the equipment could be jeopardized. Similarly, if there is weakness in the signalling system for telco companies, data could be illegally intercepted with the use of modified base stations. It’s important to perform regular assessments to test signalling systems, telecom networks, and supply lines alike to identify areas of concern.

Internet Route Hijacking

Most businesses are now on board with cloud computing systems, whether it’s software as a service or cloud storage. Hijacking can be a concern if your business uses VoIP services, cloud services, or mobile apps of any kind, as your data could be stolen during transmission. The Border Gateway Protocol can be hijacked, and this type of attack is becoming increasingly common. BGP is generally used to exchange routing information, allowing independent networks to find the best path between ISP’s. Criminals can use BGP to reroute data, by manipulating it or configuring an edge router to broadcast false prefixes. It’s not the easiest crime to pull off, but BGP hijacking can reroute valuable data so it’s something to be aware of.

Beefing up Telco Security

Telco security is an issue that impacts all business owners, so it’s important to stay up to date with the latest security programs and apps. Always upgrade to the latest software and perform regular backups. The cloud presents its own challenges, so be sure to stay on top of data encryption to boost cloud security, particularly if you’re using cloud storage to back up your data.