(Newswire.net — January 28, 2016) Cluj-Napoca, Cluj — The Renaissance for Indie publishing began in November 2007, at the same time the Amazon Kindle entered the market with “direct publishing”, which allowed any author to upload an e-book to sell. The indie book world resides mainly within the world of the internet (through Apple, Google, and others) and heavily on Amazon, which is responsible for 80% of indie e-book sales.
According to the Portland Monthly, Powell’s Books, the largest independent new and used bookstore has printed thousands of books using its in-house Espresso Book Machine, since 2012. Many of the authors that have expanded into the world of indie writing have gone on to see mainstream success. Self-publishing is about taking risks, and more and more the risks are paying off.
While it is important to be able to get your book off its feet, it’s also very important to give your book the branding it deserves.
“Writing a book is one of the most fulfilling things anyone can do. It’s as important a milestone as getting married and having a child,” says Radu Balas, the author of Sell More Books Using Your Author Website: The Easiest Way to Brand, Build, Market, and Manage Your Authorship, the definitive guide to helping you make more money and sell more books using the internet. “In fact, it’s just like having a child. You’ll think about it, wait for it to develop over many months, watch it grow, nurture it, give it everything you’ve got, and then send it on its way – out to the public to live a life of its own, and it will be part of your legacy, something you’ll leave to the world. But just like a child, after you have created it you need to help it grow before setting it in the world.”
“Whether you have written ten books or are preparing for your first one, you are on the path to opening the doors of your heart and mind and soul to the world and leaving your legacy at its feet. This book will help you on your way to establishing your brand online, with clear step-by-step formulas and powerful easy tips to build a solid foundation on which to grow your audience,” states Balas.
Becoming an author sometimes means taking things into your own hands, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a little bit of help along the way. As more and more e-books get published, it becomes vital that authors establish their own brand early on to make the most of their hard work. Balas’s book is dedicated to teaching you how to establish a brand, build an audience, easily create an author platform, and how to make more money and sell more books using the internet. “You have a legacy. This is something that writers often forget. And if you’ve been published, you want the world to take part in your baby, to appreciate it the way you do, to dig deep into its core and see what you see, see what you’ve written, see your soul.”
Balas is able to help you turn your creative dreams into a reality, with the help of marketing and branding.
About Publishing Addict
We believe in putting the best foot forward, and we truly want that for all our customers, we are working towards becoming THE best author website service provider in the world, the go-to team when it comes to building a brand online.
Publishing Addict
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