New Hope for Missing Malaysian Plane

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( — March 5, 2016) — Officials believe that a piece of plane wreckage, which measures 35 inches by 22 inches, found on the coast of Mozambique, belongs to the Malaysian Boeing 777 from flight MH370.

The plane, its 239 passengers, and the flight crew, disappeared on March 8th, 2014. The mysterious disappearance of the airplane has not been solved.

During the search, parts of the airplane were found, and some of them were discovered to not be from the missing airplane in question.

French investigators confirmed last year that the pieces found on Reunion Island in July last year, do belong to the missing Malaysian plane.

An American tourist, Blaine Gibson found the new piece in question. He had rented a boat for a weekend trip on the coast of Mozambique, and together with the owner of the boat, they found the plane part on a sandbar. Gibson told CNN that his heart was pounding when he saw the wreckage in the water for the first time.

Gibson has handed the part of plane wreckage to Mozambique authorities, said Commander Joao de Abreu Martins, chairman of the Institute of Civil Aviation of Mozambique.

Further testing of the piece of the horizontal stabilizer skin, the part of the aircraft’s tail, will be done in Australia, where a team of international experts will carefully examine the piece.

Gibson is part of an independent civil group that interpreted data in a bid to find the missing plane. He explained that this case shows how important it is for people to look for stuff on beaches.

His discovery restores hope of solving the mysterious disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.

This would be important for the families of the victims who are eagerly waiting for results from the researchers, even though they may not come so quick.

French researchers took a month to give an official announcement on the results of their investigation into the wreckage found on Reunion Island in July last year. They confirmed that it is a part of the missing Malaysian aircraft.