Your Shopping Experience is Evolving

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( — August 9, 2016) — As anyone with two eyes can see, the way we shop and interact with the marketplace is evolving and expanding at a rate that’s measured in days as opposed to years. Amazon, the largest e-commerce store on the planet today, changed the shopping dynamic by introducing a free-shipping option for their products a mere ten years ago. Now Amazon is revolutionizing the way we receive our products by going a step further and implementing a means of drone delivery to our doorstep. But the online retailer’s license is only on a trial basis. FAA regulations allow commercial drones under 55 pounds flown up to 100 miles per hour. They can only hit the skies in daylight hours and the operator has to be at least 17 years old with what the FAA is calling an “Unmanned Aircraft Operation Certificate.”

What does this mean for the future of how we purchase items and compare prices of our favorite gadgets? For the individual trying to forecast the next decade, shopping will become more efficient, quick, responsive and catered to our needs. The historic model of marketing and advertising used a “shotgun” approach and hoped for a positive return on investment within a marketing campaign. With our technology evolving and embracing devices such as 3D printers, the power has shifted into the consumer’s hands as opposed to the other way around.

Imagine a future where you walk to your 3D printer, purchase an item you want, and your device begins creating the product in front of you. Although this may seem like a scene from a Star Wars movie, technologies are being developed to turn that vision into a reality. Similarly, more of the manufacturing process will become automated through artificial intelligence and robotic software that can act as efficiently as an entire crew of manufacturers working around the clock.

An Infographic on this subject has been designed by a leading price comparison shopping website Let us know what you think of it.