Secret Agents Launch B2B Service: Separate Sheep from the Wolves

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( — August 10, 2016) Somers Point, NEW JERSEY — Web design pros from DotCom Global Media had a momentous experience in Vegas last month, and it’s too exciting to stay quiet about it. In a city full of impersonators, in a room packed full of businesspeople, they discovered it: the best way to separate the sheep from the wolves and earn trust through transparency.

It all started at a business conference hosted in Sin City, aka the gambling capital of the world. Sam Natello of DotCom Global Media took his business partner and one of his employees on a cross-country trip, looking to gain something helpful at CEO Space International. Las Vegas is a mystifying place, where poker faces and optical illusions are customary. Herein lies the irony of Sam’s business discovery.

While mingling with other entrepreneurs and talking about various B2B services, Sam heard about a professional vetting service that offers a comprehensive background check on any given company.

Getting in The CLEAR

The CLEAR vetting service is far more involved than a typical scan and report, and rightly so- the founders are former secret service agents, and they are no strangers to due diligence and information acquisition.

New Jersey-based web developer Sam Natello was anxious to run his twenty-year old business through the transparency screening. Although he wasn’t concerned about being red flagged for any frauds, scams, or legal issues, Sam wanted to see how his seasoned company would hold up under such a rigorous process.

The DotCom Global Media team got the ball rolling right on the spot. Preliminary paperwork was needed, giving The Clear investigators the “okay” to dig deep into the company’s history and explore records relating to Sam’s many business dealings.

The Individual Transparent Vetting process was initiated. After a only a week, Sam received a transparency report on DotCom Global Media. The conclusions of the report were based on a criminal background check, financial background check, screens for fraud and scams, and a full risk assessment. The investigators includes verified all information provided by Sam. They ran a comprehensive background check on DotCom Global Media, as well as any other business entities or aliases that he has done business under.

Smart Move for B2B

DotCom Global Media is the very first web design company that passed, and was accepted into the CLEAR Business Directory. Sam Natello realized the value of this transparency report as a way to gain trust and credibility in the oversaturated industry of web design and marketing. He signed up for a membership plan, allowing DotCom Global Media to be reassessed each year.

Working to get your company admitted to the CLEAR Business Directory is a smart move, especially if you offer B2B services. Most businesspeople do research of their own before partnering up to work with another company. There is a tremendous amount of risk when you engage with another business.

If you are CLEAR, your prospective clients and business partners will have peace of mind and fewer hesitations about working with you. On the other hand, you could elect to have another individual or company screened so that you can eliminate blind spots before getting professionally involved.

Reputation Management

Electing to have your company screened is an essential part of RM. Your report could shine a light on something that is hindering your business- maybe something that you weren’t aware of. The CLEAR process is based on the same standard and processes used in government counterintelligence.

The CLEAR stamp of approval makes it easy to recommend us with a clear conscience. This is the highest level of screening and vetting available for businesses like ours. CLEAR will open doors for your business, especially if you are bidding for a government contract.

Trust and Referral Power

The business world is riddled with wolves. People are skeptical about companies these days, due to scam artists who fudge numbers, and fly-by-night businesses that take advantage of customers.

CLEAR is an impartial third party validation that goes much further than customer reviews and testimonials will ever take you. A CLEAR report will encourage your loyal customers to stay with you, and it will empower them to refer your business to others.

If you’re looking to develop a referral partner program like ours, you should absolutely get your business thoroughly vetted like we did.

About DotCom Global Media

The needs and goals of our clients come first. Always. We are grateful and proud that many of our clients have grown to rely on us as a Trusted Partner. We strive to honor them daily through hard work and achievement.

DotCom Global Media

87 West Laurel Drive
Somers Point, NEW JERSEY 08244
United States