Positive Thinking Evolution: Mental Contrasting and Structured Thinking

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(Newswire.net — September 9, 2016) Henfield, West Sussex — With the Self Improvement niche moving quickly beyond positive thinking, a couple of clear leaders have recently come to light having introduced Mental Contrasting and Structured Thinking to the equation of personal success.

Moving beyond positive thinking was the title of a recent article published by Robby Berman on Bigthink.com. He confirms that many best seller books still refer to positive thinking as a way forward in personal success, though also reveals important findings in a study by Gabriele Oettingen, a professor of psychology at the Universities of New York and Hamburg.

Oettingen says that too much faith can actually be a problem for obtaining personal objectives, adding: “In the short term Positive thinking tends to make people feel better, though over the long term it will actually sap people’s motivation. This will only prevent people from achieving their goals and wishes, resulting in a feeling of just being frustrated and stuck.”

In order to overcome the unbalance of positive and negative thinking, Oettinger and her associates recently developed something known as “mental contrasting”. According to the professor, Mental contrasting involves combining positive thinking with realistic goals, while connecting Positive Thinking to a more realistic assessment of a person’s possibilities.

The self improvement niche has also evolved big-time in nearly 140 countries worldwide, with Self-help guru Andy Shaw having created a new structured thinking language known as Saltori. Andy says that “success made certain” is more than just positive thinking, with structured thinking being the thinking language of today that will take people on a journey of successes.

Shaw has written multiple articles about his Saltori structured thinking language, all of which can be found on his website saltori.com. He says that throughout all academic education we are only taught what to think, and not actually how to think, making Saltori such an important part of the equation to making success certain.

About Look Like Fred Ltd “A Bug Free Mind” Saltori®

Andy Shaw – The Saltori® Process has now been proven in over 130 countries. Our purpose is to provide freedom from pain, happiness and certain success to the world one mind at a time

Look Like Fred Ltd “A Bug Free Mind” Saltori®

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