(Newswire.net — September 15, 2016) Kobe, Hyogo-ken — Chakra meditation is thought of as one of the more advanced meditation techniques available, yet SurgingLife founder Stephen Frost has now released a special set of mp3s to make it easy for users. Chakras are an important part of the energy system in all living things. Some choose never to acknowledge them, though they are there just the same. With various life events their condition changes, they can become unhealthy and blocked in much the same ways as physical organs experience health challenges under differing circumstances.
What Is Chakra Meditation?
What is chakra meditation? It is the process of meditating in such a way as to be working with the chakras. This is done to improve the flow of energy from these centers and enhance the users ability to both flow and direct energy through in such a way as to enhance their experience of life. When done properly it can vastly improve a persons life. The main activities within this meditative practice are cleaning, healing, balancing and opening.
Chakra Cleaning, Healing And Balancing
One of the first steps for anyone wishing to work with their energy system on a deeper level is to perform a chakra cleaning, healing and balancing meditation. This is much as showering on a regular basis helps to keep the physical body in good clean healthy condition. When the energy centers of the body are unclean they block and energy flow diminishes leading to issues in life depending on the energy center and the degree to which it is blocked.
Effective Chakra Opening With Ease
For many this process of cleaning, balancing and opening is somewhat mystifying and many struggle to get good information on how to do it with ease. Hence the reason that Stephen Frost has chosen to develop and release this latest series of guided meditations on mp3, to help users learn how to look after their chakras and the health of their energy system in general. Through doing so and also through performing chakra opening which is a part of the meditative process, users become able to direct their energies more effectively and focus their ability to achieve joyful living with greater ease.
Chakra Meditation For Beginners And Those More Seasoned Too
Chakra meditation for beginners has always been a challenge. Often people feel reluctance to practice as they feel a degree of fear or concern as to whether they will do things wrongly, or even worse create damage to their energy system. These are issues address with this latest series of meditation mp3s, the guidance led by Stephen carries listeners of all levels of ability and experience on a smooth relaxing journey that benefits their chakras. Whether the person is a beginner or more advanced these meditations have been developed to be both easy to follow and rewarding for all ability levels.
Use Of Special Chakra Music
As with his other guided meditations Stephen has set these to special soundtracks. The chakra music which backs each of these special mp3 tracks have a depth of sound forms that enhance the experience and enable the listener to achieve a greater amount for the energy and time that they spend. Each track includes certain of the Solfeggio frequencies as a starting point, along with other specific chakra frequencies brought into use so that the sound works on a subconscious level to aid with cleaning, healing, balancing and opening. Something of great benefit to the user.
Gaining The Best From These Meditations
There are eight tracks in total to aid those who wish for help with this practice, running from root chakra through to crown chakra plus an additional one which covers all seven chakras for a complete chakra cleaning, healing, balancing and opening. Whilst this later track does cover all seven the individual tracks go deeper into each energy center and aid with very specific development points. As such the full seven track is recommended for those wishing to have a gentle “tune up” of their energy system, and for those wishing to develop certain areas of their lives to a far greater extent the individual tracks are recommended.
All of these guided chakra meditation mp3s are available for download via the SurgingLife store at store.surginglife.com where users can also find the various other music and guided meditation tracks released by Stephen Frost that can benefit their lives.
About SurgingLife
SurgingLife brings aid for everyone seeking positive life change. For those who have been wondering what they can do in order to realise a far more positive lifestyle and a good quality of life, this site is the place to get the help needed. Drawing from meditation, essential oils, ho’oponopono, brainwave entrainment and a wide variety of other things there is solid ground to help those wishing to make meaningful life changes and achieve joyful living. The website can be found at https://surginglife.com
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