Tips and Tricks for Driving Safely with Arthritis

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( — November 1, 2016) Orlando, FL — Driving is, for many people, as important as food and shelter. There are those who cannot work and function on a daily basis with using their vehicle. Unfortunately, for individuals with arthritis, life on the road may be extremely troublesome.

Experts reveal the tips and tricks for driving safely with arthritis. Arthritis is not just painful and debilitating, but may also subject sufferers to physical limitations. Physical limitations often hinder sufferers from doing their daily routines, including driving.

It is common for people with arthritis to have difficulties controlling and maneuvering their vehicle. There are even those who find it hard to simply turn the ignition key or park. The challenges in driving with arthritis are not just physical, but may also impact a person’s emotional health.

One of the best things that arthritis sufferers can do is to simply seek some professional help. Sufferers need to know exactly how their condition is affecting their ability to drive, such as if they are having trouble turning the steering wheel. Once self-assessment is done, sufferers may then speak with their occupational therapist or healthcare provider to help them address their problems.

It is important to remember that arthritis cannot impair one’s cognitive ability to drive. Thus, sufferers need to seek the help of professionals to see if there are some assistive devices or techniques they can use to drive safely and smoothly. Healthcare professionals often recommend a proactive approach to adjust the car according to the arthritic condition of the sufferers.

Older drivers with arthritis tend to have difficulties driving due to having weaker joints, declining visibility, or slower reactions. With these challenges, it may be helpful to avoid the possibility of encountering traffic during rush hours.

Sufferers may make changes to their driving routine by avoiding routes with heavy traffic. It is important to remember that the combination of traffic and exhaustion may potentially effect their patience and concentration.

It may also be helpful to avoid driving during nighttime or when it is raining. The techniques may actually vary according to the condition of the sufferer. It is best to seek the advice of a healthcare provider in driving with arthritis safely and smoothly.

Reducing pain is another excellent way to drive more safely with arthritis. Pain may be troublesome to arthritis sufferers, especially when they are driving. There are pain medications available, but sufferers should be wary about the side effects they could potentially cause.

There are safer alternatives to pain medications, such as glucosamine supplements. Glucosamine is a very popular alternative for arthritis sufferers who are seeking to achieve pain relief.


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