10 Life-Hacks That Will Turn You Into a Morning Person

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(Newswire.net — October 25, 2016) — Everyone is different when it comes to sleeping patterns. Some people can wake up at 6am with ease, while others fight an eternal battle with their alarm clock. Try wake up early at least once, it will take a lot of effort but ultimately it will be worth it. When you wake up early on a regular basis, it soon becomes a part of your life, and there are several perks to starting your day early:

  • You have more time in the day to complete tasks;
  • The brain is more productive in the morning, so you can work more effectively;
  • You have time to eat a proper breakfast and avoid morning traffic on the way to work;

If you think that starting the day early in the morning is painful and not worth it, then we want to assure you the opposite. Even someone who is used to waking up late in the day can become a morning person. Every person is able to give up a habit and replace it with another. Neither animals, nor plants can do that, but humans can. You need only to believe you can do it and put the following tips for waking up early to the test.

1. Find the perfect motivation

Bringing about a change to your life will not happen easy without strong motivation. If you have decided to become a morning person and wake up early every morning, chose a good reason to achieve this goal and always keep it in mind. Just imagine that if you wake up early you will have time to cook a tasty breakfast, to play with your pet or to watch that long-awaited episode of your favorite tv-show.

2. Do not eat before you go to bed

You should not eat for a minimum of 2 hours before going to sleep. It is easier for you to fall asleep on an emptier stomach because your body won`t be spending energy on digestion. Not only will the quality of your sleep be much better but you can also lose weight. Ultimately, you will experience only positive changes in your life as a result.

3. Call on your Patronus

Stress can severly impact and damage your sleep, and sleep is vital to calming your nerves. Going to sleep in a negative mood will leave you wired which in turn means you don’t get a good quality nights sleep. It is important to try and go to sleep in a good mood. If for example you are worried because of studying, do not try to accomplish hard tasks late at night. It is better to ask for college essay writing help. If you cannot fight your demons, remember how characters from Harry Potter fought the Dementors. They concentrated on their best and happiest memories and created a creature  called a“Patronus” whose light power defeated the demon like negative creature.

4. Take a relaxing bath

Everyone can feel tense after a long, hard day at work. It is better to spend some time before sleep taking a relaxing warm bubble bath isntead of spending time on the sofa in front of the TV. Do not spend too much time in the bath though because it can wake you up. Your goal is to get rid of weariness and negativity before going to sleep. Take a short bath, relax and go straight to sleep after.

5. Repeat every morning

If you have started waking up early at a specific time, continue doing it every day. It goes without saying that you must repeat this regularly to build a new habit. If you have successfully woken up at 6am several days in a row, soon it will become a habit and eventually, your internal clock will adjust and you will be able to wake without setting an alarm.

6. Have a glass of water after waking up

Drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning can boost your metabolism, wake you up and can impove overall health.

7. Fix your light

How your room is lit influences the quality of your sleep. Light from both the sun and lamps suppress the production of melatonin that causes the feeling of drowsiness. So before you go to bed, switch the lights off. This goes for the TV and laptop screens too. Start your morning by switching the lights on and opening the window.

8. Replace the alarm

If you have set an alarm for 5am tomorrow morning and failed to wake up, consider where your alarm is placed. People usually set the alarm on their phone and put them near their pillow while they sleep. However, this simplifies the task of switching it off. When the alarm is farther from the bed you will have to stand up and turn it off and in turn this will wake you and you will start your morning on time. One alarm clock may not be enough. Consider buying a second one to guarantee that you will stand up from your bed to turn it off. 

9. Create an good atmosphere

People hate mornings because the very atmosphere of them is distracting. You must create a morning that you will enjoy. Turn on the radio with inspirational songs, watch a comedy show, read a few pages of a book you like. Begin to associate mornings with pleasant emotions.

10. Reward yourself

When a person is on their way to changing their habits, they deserve rewards. If you had a successful week of getting up early, reward yourself with something sweet!