Experts Reveal Foot Care Techniques for Seniors

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( — November 2, 2016) Wilmington, DE — Foot problems are not just a concern among those who engage in physical activities that involve a lot of footwork but also in older people. There are ways to ensure that the feet is given the attention they need, especially among the elderly population.

Experts reveal the foot care techniques for seniors. There is a variety of reasons why foot problems are common among the elderly. One is that the cushioning of the feet often disappears as a person ages. Nails and skin are also more likely to go brittle and dry.

There are many seniors who suffer from poor circulation, which delays the healing process in cases of foot sores.

For seniors, it is essential to keep proper blood circulation. If for instance, they spend an enormous amount of their time sitting in a chair, they may walk, stretch, or do some exercises to improve and maintain proper circulation.

Seniors are also advised to wear tight socks or avoid sitting with their legs crossed for a long period of time. Of course, it is also recommended that they avoid tobacco use as it can narrow the arteries and impede blood flow.

Foot odor can be avoided by simply alternating the use of shoes each day. It is also advisable that the elderly washes their feet on a daily basis and dry them carefully. It is important to dry the areas between toes to reduce the risk of irritating problems, such as athlete’s foot.

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that thrives in dark, warm, and moist areas.

One of the best things seniors can do to avoid foot problems is to simply use the most comfortable-fitting shoes. The use of tight or high-heeled shoes should be avoided since they can place undue pressure on the foot.

When ill-fitting shoes are used, it can increase the risk of the formation of corns, bunions, and calluses. These types of shoes cause rubbing and pinching, which can result in pressure and friction. When the skin is constantly exposed to pressure and friction, it can trigger the formation of calluses.

In addition to avoiding the use of ill-fitting shoes to avoid callus formation, seniors should also know how to deal with it when it happens. There are many remedies thought to be helpful for the removal of calluses. However, they should choose the right method to ensure that their feet are safe, callus-free, and healthy.

Using an electric callus remover is one of the most popular methods to remove calluses. The best electric callus remover is offered by Naressa, and can be purchased at (


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