(Newswire.net — November 10, 2016) — A work place usually has different meanings to different people. For some, their work place is heaven on earth. They just can’t seem to imagine themselves working somewhere else. For some others, their workplace is the complete opposite. They dread so many things about their workspace.
This, over time, takes its toll on how well they perform in these work spaces. Although there are a lot of factors that determine the productivity of workers, it’s no secret that the kind of environment an individual works in determines how well he/or she will perform. According to CBS News, half of all employees say they would work an extra hour per day if they had a better workplace.
From the way the office/work place is set up, to the atmosphere (lighting, colors, etc), the design of an office goes a long way when it comes to the productivity of a worker. It could affect their productivity, either positively or negatively. And, in this article, we’ll be looking at 3 ways office design affects the productivity of workers.
1. Office Space
This plays a vital role in the productivity of workers. The effects of a small, choked up work space will be different from the effects of a spacious and comfy work environment. Tiny work spaces may make the workers feel “imprisoned” and hence may affect their creativity.
Spacious work spaces on the other hand, will make the workers feel “inspired”, causing them to be comfortable enough to give their all. As an office/company owner, you may be considering changing the office space after reading this.
It’s recommended you hire a professional office furniture installer to switch things up. They usually create evidence-based designs, which are more effective than assumption-based designs, according to Forbes.
2. Office Environment
The noise level, air quality, room scents, amongst others, play a significant role in determining how high or low productivity is.
Work places with high level of noise will cause workers to be distracted more often. This will in turn cause distractions, affect concentration, and thus productivity. A fantastic work place should have noise minimized to the barest minimum by shutting out noise from the outside world and keeping chatter between workers minimal.
A poorly ventilated room will also cause discomfort, and awkward work room scents will be another source of constant distraction. Of course, interaction between workers is essential. Hence, there can be a dining/refreshment area where all the chattering and gossips can take place.
3. The Workers
Most times, the workers are not involved in how their own work spaces should look like. Maybe they’re not the bosses and as such do not have a say. But then, their opinions should be considered on how the design of their work space should be like.
The workers should be involved in decisions like the color of the work space, the lighting and all. By getting them involved, the workers will feel like their opinions are being respected. This in turn will make them want to increase their output.
The design of an office involves a lot of things as seen above, and also determines the creativity of the workers. Paying attention to how the office/work space feels and looks is taking a huge step in increasing the productivity of the workforce, which is the goal of every organization.