Aloe Vera May Be an Excellent Side-Effect-Free Alternative for Gastritis

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( — November 29, 2016) Orlando, FL — Today, there are quite a number of natural alternatives available to potentially help fight a range of diseases and disorders. One is aloe vera, which is has been used for thousands of years as a medicinal plant.

Aloe vera may be an excellent side-effect-free alternative for gastritis. This condition is characterized by the inflammation and swelling of the stomach lining. There are two types of gastritis, one is short-term acute gastritis and the other is long-term chronic gastritis.

There are factors that contribute to the development of this condition, which includes long-term use of NSAIDs, excessive consumption of alcohol, pernicious anemia, stomach infections due to H.pylori bacteria, bile reflux, and consumption of corrosive poisons or drugs.

High stress levels as well as viral infections that compromise immune system health can also trigger the development of gastritis.

Individuals who have gastritis typically suffer from vomiting, nausea, pain in the upper abdominal region, and loss of appetite. When the condition causes bleeding of the stomach lining, it could potentially result in vomiting of blood or passing of black stools.

Medications are among the treatments of the condition. However, there are also natural alternatives available such as aloe vera. This plant may be an excellent option for individuals who don’t want to expose themselves to the possible side effects linked with the use of certain pharmaceutical drugs.

According to experts, aloe vera is 99% water and 1% ingredients such as mannose and acemannan, essential fatty acids, anthraquinones, amino acids, saponins, tannins, sterols, vitamins, enzymes, minerals, salicylic acid, polysaccharides like glucomannan, and glycoproteins.

Treating this condition necessitates treating the symptoms. Having a bland diet is usually recommended by doctors in soothing inflammation and a sore stomach. Sufferers are typically advised to avoid the types of food that could serve as irritants to the stomach lining. This may include citrus products, alcohol, spices, and caffeinated drinks.

There have been studies conducted to explore the health benefits of aloe vera in gastritis symptoms. In one study, the researchers dosed rats with gastritis a glycoprotein found in aloe vera called aloctin. It was found that it has successfully inhibited the quantum of gastric lesions and gastric juice. 

In another study, it was found that aloe vera was able to reduce inflammation on rats infected with H. pylori bacteria. This is believed to be due to the potential anti-inflammatory properties of the medicinal plant.

Today, individuals who want to take advantage of the possible effects of this plant may use magnesium oil spray with aloe vera. Magnesium is a mineral that plays an important role in the maintenance of overall health.



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