Best Ways to Protect Your Sales Clients

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( — January 6, 2017) — While the world of sales can be a very lucrative one, one of the hardest objectives for any organization is to find ways to grow while hanging onto current clients. As long as you have someone as a client, there’s a good chance that someone else is trying to nab them in the process. That’s why you can’t just close a sale and hope you have the contract for life. Take the following steps when you are dealing with your IT clients to ensure you are keeping a strong relationship and not letting a hard-earned client walk out the door.

Always Be Closing

While it may sound cliché, the truth of the matter is you have to continue selling. Of course, you are capable of taking a break once in a while, and not everything needs to be simply about making the next dollar. However, the main focus of your job as a salesperson is to continue to show the value you bring and how your services can better the life and work of the potential sales client you are speaking with. According to Investopedia, Always Be Closing is nothing more than keeping your focus on the sales process. However, it is so much more than that because once you have a sale, the sales cycle starts all over again and you need to be just as committed to making the next sale, the repeat sale, and the even bigger and improved upon sale to your clients.

Stay Fresh on their Minds

The most important thing to do when it comes to dealing with salespeople is understanding you have to be fresh on their minds to have a relationship. If you fade to the back of their mind and just become another contact, then the chances of you being locked in are essentially null and void. However, if you are trying to spend all of your time continuing to find new business, servicing the existing business can become time consuming. That is why when you consider the idea of staying in contact with your current clients, the enterprise video conferencing for IT by BlueJeans is one of the top options. You not only have the ability to look your clients face to face and have a personalized conversation with feelings and emotions, but you also can do it without even leaving your desk.

The grind of business has become so much about numbers in recent years that it can truly be hard to have the time necessary to construct and then service meaningful relationships for many clients. However, by taking the time to communicate with others through smiles, laughs, raised eyebrows and every other visual that should be part of a conversation, you will truly stand out as a person in their minds and a colleague that they work with instead of just a name in a Rolodex. 

Fight for Them When Times Are Good

One of the worst things you could potentially do for your clients is to come to them with better options and better pricing when they are thinking about moving. That might seem like a great last ditch effort to save the business, but it also means you might have been capable of giving them better pricing and options before they threatened to leave and simply held out on them. According to The Balance, one of the easiest ways to protect your customers is to simply allow them to realize just how much you do look out for them. People appreciate loyalty. They also want to work with someone who will look out for their best interests. Show them where your loyalty lies, and they will return the favor.

By coming to them with newer products and ideas at better rates, you might not be making a killing off of them in the short run, but you will be securing a partnership based upon trust for the long run. And, if you can build solid business relationships by watching out for your clients and putting their needs first instead of just selling to them, they will never have a reason to leave you.

Businesses thrive on sales, and without it, the rest of the operation will fail. However, your goal isn’t just to chase down potential sales; it is to foster relationships with clients who will keep coming back to you time and time again. Instead of just putting in the time and effort necessary to close a single deal, you have to make sure you are thinking about the long-term and doing what is necessary to close the deal each and every renewal period or each and every month. You are putting in the work, so you need to make it count by securing long-term customers.