(Newswire.net — January 26, 2017) — The founder of personal development course “Access Consciousness”, a former scientologist, was quoted saying that ‘children are sexy’ during his course, according to a whistleblower who attended the course herself. However, the whistleblower cut herself loose by saying that even though members are taught sexuality is “the energy of life”, she has never heard of any allegations of sexual abuse in the group.
Since Access Consciousness was created in America in the 1990s, thousands of people said it transformed their lives, Russia Today reported. However, two years after taking the course, a member realized she was no longer “thinking for herself,” she told RT News in an exclusive interview.
The cult member explained it is not the nearly 20,000 pounds ($25,000) she gave to the cult but one claim that sobered her. According to her, the awakening started after the teacher said that it is ok to embrace sexual fantasies as long as they remain only fantasies during one “Access Consciousness” session. But when she heard that children are “sexy,” the course attendee identified as Jane, decided it was enough.
Almost two years after Jane started the ‘personal development’ course “Access Consciousness”, she realized something is deeply wrong. Nearly £20,000 went out of her pocket and she ended up horrified at the group leader’s claim that “young children are incredibly sexy,” although not to be abused, she cut herself loose.
Speaking exclusively to RT, Jane says the group “programs its members to think like robots.” Promising to attendees that they would learn how to become “more conscious” the course moderators acquire detailed information on their health, weight, sexual relationship and the ‘weight’ of their bank account.
Access works to change its members’ points of references on ingrained ideas around sex, intimacy and family, according to Jane. Soon, they become strangers to their spouses and family members.
“You are trapped and you are afraid to say anything that is seen as judgment of Access,” Jane told RT adding that asking too much questions leads to revoking a membership.
“It is very clever how it is done. Because it’s not like any other ‘cult’ but it is mind control, very much mind control, and it’s very much, ‘Do as I tell you although I’m not telling you.’”
“People think that they are free, but mentally they are not free,” Jane said explaining that attendees of the course are referred to as Accessories by the group’s leader, as they are not humans, but “humanoids.”
In order to understand “what’s really going on” Accessories should take part in ‘Access Bars’ classes that cost $300 to $10.000 annually, for the series of 90-minute sessions.
Accessories’ goal is to achieve a higher level of consciousness by repeating a ‘clearing statement’ – “Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, Pod and Poc, All Nine, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds”, that would relieve them of past memories that burden the soul.
As the member advances he “unlocks” the knowledge level and strives to a higher one in more advanced courses that can cost up to $4,000 per course.
Jane disclosed that she took almost all courses, amongst are ‘Demolecular Manifestation and Molecular Demanifestation,’ where participants are taught how to address the matter on molecular level in order to make food tastier for example, or in an advanced level to terminate unwanted pregnancies, or even fight cancer.
In another class, ‘Lies, Lines and Manipulation,’ which costs $2,500, Accessories are instructed how to lie to get what they want and “have fun doing it.”
In courses for over-18s group, Accessories can learn how to enjoy an orgasm for £405 ($500).