(Newswire.net — January 26, 2017) Santa Monica, California –In addition to his busy private practice as one of Southern California’s leading back pain specialists, Dr. Michael Sinel, MD, is also involved in a variety of environmental causes. In particular, he has given his support to an ambitious pilot project conducted by The Bay Foundation (TBF) in Santa Monica. The Foundation’s project, known as the Santa Monica Beach Restoration Pilot Project, is a joint project with the City of Santa Monica. The project’s goal is to restore a portion of the city’s sandy beach into a more natural beach environment, restoring coastal ecosystems in the process. “This pilot project will protect coastal resources while providing public beach access,” says Dr. Sinel. “I am proud to be able to support environmental causes like this that benefit the community in which I live and work.” To learn more about him, visit https://www.crunchbase.com/person/michael-sinel.
The beach undergoing restoration is located just north of the Santa Monica Pier and lies parallel to the city’s Beach Club. Scientists with the Foundation have already installed sand fencing and have conducted baseline data collection. Seeding the project beach zone with native coastal plants will protect the area from erosion and will provide habitats for other vegetation along with nesting birds. By transforming the beach into a more natural space, the Foundation and the City of Santa Monica hope to provide other coastal cities with a model to emulate. Restoring coastal habitats can benefit both animal and plant life as well as human interaction, giving visitors a chance to enjoy birdwatching and other recreation opportunities along California’s coastline.
Dr. Michael Sinel, MD, was recently featured in a New York Times article focusing on yoga therapy as a revolutionary way of treating back pain and spinal disorders. Dr. Sinel incorporates yoga in his medical practice at the CliniCare Spinal Rehab Medical Group in Santa Monica. He has also authored two popular books on treating back pain, including Back Pain Remedies For Dummies. Inspired by the TBF project, Michael hopes to spearhead coastal cleanup events in the Santa Monica area. “It is critical that citizens work together to protect the fragile environments on California’s coast,” adds Dr. Sinel. “Beach cleanup events are a great way to get outdoors and to become involved in making our communities better places to live.”
About Dr. Sinel
Dr. Michael Sinel, MD, is a board-certified physician specializing in the causes and treatments related to back pain and spinal disorders. In addition to his private practice at the CliniCare Spinal Rehab Medical Group in Santa Monica, California, Dr. Sinel is an internationally-recognized author and is an instructor at the UCLA School of Medicine. He also serves on the board of directors of CAST, the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking.
Dr. Sinel
1441 BroadwaySanta Monica, California 90404
United States
(310) 393-2225