Trump Requires Mexico to Pay for the Wall

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( — January 28, 2017) —U.S. President Donald Trump signed on Wednesday, January 25, a directive to start building a wall on the border with Mexico, which will be 1900 miles long

In an interview with ABC News, Trump announced that the construction of the wall will start in the upcoming months.
Construction of the 1900 miles long wall along the border with Mexico is one of the main Trump’s promises that he made during his election campaign.

The day after the signing of the directive about the construction of the wall, Trump said that Mexico should pay the building, and he advised Enrique Peña Nieto, the President of Mexico, to cancel his upcoming visit to the U.S. if Mexico refused to pay for the wall.

“If Mexico is unwilling to pay for the badly needed wall, then it would be better to cancel the upcoming meeting,” Donald Trump wrote on Twitter.

His spokesman later said that Mr Trump was calling for a 20% tax on imports to pay for the southern wall. He has also pledged to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canada.

Enrique Peña Nieto canceled his arrival, which was scheduled to take place on January 31st in Washington, but before that, he said that Mexico will not pay for the border wall planned by Donald Trump.

He also replied via Twitter: “Pres @EPN was left with no option than to cancel US visit. Decades of US – Mexico cooperation now in jeopardy. Big threat to both countries.”

Later, White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, responded to the Mexican president’s tweet: “We’ll look for a date to schedule something in the future. We will keep the lines of communication open.”

The United States President said, after signing the directive to build the wall, that his actions regarding immigration policies show that the U.S. is regaining control of its borders.

Trump also said that his administration will work together with Mexico to increase the security of both countries, and that U.S and Mexico will work closely on this issue.

“We’ll Save Lives on Both Sides of Border”, Donald Trump said, and also announced further steps in limiting the legal migration, which include reducing the number of refugees and blocking the issuance of visas to people from some Muslim countries in the Middle East and North Africa, such as Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Iran, Iraq, Libya and Yemen.