The Super Rich Are Getting Ready for The Apocalypse

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( — February 1, 2017) —Some of the world’s wealthiest people are building luxury bunkers where they can survive the end of the world, but in style. 

American elites, whose bank accounts surpass twelve figures, are not wasting any time – they are seriously preparing for the end of the world. 

According to the New Yorker, Wall Street and Silicon Valley billionaires are massively joining a movement which concentrates on finding ways to survive the cataclysm. Among them are Steve Huffman, the thirty-three-year-old co-founder and C.E.O. of Reddit, which is valued at six hundred million dollars. Then, Marvin Liao, a former Yahoo executive who is now a partner at 500 Startups, and Robert A. Johnson the Executive Director of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, as well as many others.

Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of Linkedin, says that many prominent investors are choosing to get insured against the Apocalypse. He estimated that more than half of his fellow Sillicon Valley billionaires are interested in creating a safety blanket in order to protect themselves from their greatest fear, the crackup of civilization. Indeed, there are shelters being built that can withstand a variety of disasters – from epidemics to a nuclear war.

Steve Huffman on the other hand, bought motorcycles and weapons to be equipped in case a disaster occurs. His plan is to safely spend his time at home. Also, two years ago, he underwent a laser eye surgery because he believed that this would increase his chances of survival.

Former Facebook product manager, Antonio Garcia Martinez, built five huge wooden houses in the Pacific Northwest. The island has everything for Martinez to be able to survive the Armageddon – from generators and solar panels to ammunition.

The world’s richest people have private Facebook groups to share tips about the best location for  bunkers, and the best equipment needed to survive the cataclysm. According to Hoffman, the top destination for the luxury shelters is New Zealand.

For those with deep pockets, company “Vivos” is building luxury shelters in which people with money and style can survive the end of the world scenario, caused by either nuclear war or Armageddon. 

About 757 of those shelters are located in the northwest of South Dakota. Each shelter can receive 10 up to 20 people.

According to Daily Mail, the bunkers for the world’s richest elites have enough space to accommodate supplies for a 12 month period. The shelters are priced at $25,000 for a 99-year lease, along with an annual addition of $1,000 to cover the maintenance costs.

The company said that the shelter is fully furnished, however fuel tanks, electrical wiring, air filtration and sewage systems require an upgrade which costs between $ 25,000 and $ 200,000, depending on the number of amenities.

Shelters were originally built by the U.S. Army in 1942. They have walls of reinforced concrete and steel to withstand explosions. First bunkers will be ready for rent this summer, and the company has a plan to build schools and churches as well