Magnesium May Be an Excellent Alternative for Insomnia Sufferers

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( — February 10, 2017) Orlando, FL — Sleep is extremely important. However, not everyone actually gets the opportunity or even has the ability to get good sleep on a daily basis. There are sleep-aid medications available but the potential solution may actually be as simple as nourishing the body with the nutrients it needs.

Magnesium may potentially be an excellent alternative for insomnia sufferers. According to statistics, between a third and half of the population in the United States suffers from insomnia or poor sleep.

Sleeping pills are considered a short-term solution for insomnia. However, consumers are advised to know everything about their use before they end up misusing the medication. A majority of sleeping pills are actually classified as sedative hypnotics, some of which are anti-anxiety medications.

It is important to understand that conventional pharmaceutical treatments for insomnia may potentially alter the brain chemistry for the purpose of inducing sleep. 

They encourage drowsiness to help people get to sleep. These medications may be used on a long-term basis, but they may potentially be addictive. They may even cause side effects, such as problems with attention and memory.

Individuals who do not want to resort to the use of these medications may make some dietary and lifestyle changes. There are many ways to do this, such as stress reduction, getting enough exercise, keeping a regular schedule, and reducing intake of coffee.

The good news is that this sleep problem may potentially be addressed by taking minerals, such as magnesium. This mineral is believed to be beneficial in promoting relaxation.

According to some experts, stress and anxiety are the two most common causes of insomnia. Relaxation is one of the ways to achieve restful sleep at night. Magnesium may offer the potential to help combat depression, which is linked with the development of insomnia.

This mineral plays a role in more than 300 enzyme reactions in the body, such as in the muscles, brain, and bones. The nerve cells communicate with each other through electrical signals.

There are gaps between the nerve cells known as synapses, and this triggers the nerves to depend on chemicals for the transmission of signals across these gaps. There are chemicals that stay in the gaps to assist the signals in crossing the gap. Other chemicals, on the other hand, hinder signals from crossing.

Magnesium may offer the ability to stop signals from crossing the nerve synapses. It remains with glutamate and calcium in the gaps between the nerve cells. It is worth noting that both of these are excitatory.

The body may need magnesium to help cease excitatory signals. It is believed to act as a gatekeeper that may regulate the levels of excitation and promote calmness. Magnesium also has the potential to inhibit the release of stress hormones by the hippocampus. It is even thought to decrease the ACTH hormone, which triggers the body to release adrenaline and cortisol.

It is important to remember that 15% of the general population is magnesium deficient. In the United States, many refined foods are completely devoid of nutrients. This is alarming considering that magnesium is often considered essential in relaxing muscles, reducing stress, and regulating mood.

Increasing magnesium intake could require dietary changes. It may also be useful to take advantage of the Magnesium Oil Spray offered by Purest Vantage. This spray delivers magnesium to the body via the skin.

Purest Vantage Magnesium Oil Spray may be an excellent product to use for individuals who seek to increase their body’s magnesium levels.


Purest Vantage is passionate and dedicated to developing high-quality products that assist people in maintaining optimal health, enabling them to enjoy all the benefits a healthy lifestyle offers.


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(407) 208-2064