(Newswire.net — April 3, 2017) — Public fascination for superfoods is not hard to understand. We love to eat. And with superfoods, we get to eat with the promise of health benefits. Benefits that include preventing future diseases, plus the notion of no downsides. All of that and the fact that superfoods are nutritionally dense—less calorie consumption and more bang for your buck… And we’re sold! So what should you begin placing in your shopping cart this year? Start with these fascinating delights:
1. Cannabis.
It’s no wonder that Denver dispensaries are getting steady business. Cannabis, also more popularly known as marijuana, has properties called cannabinoids. Which, when studied by researchers, look to be effective against migraines and irritable bowel syndrome, and more. So THC, the psychoactive element of cannabis, is not the only thing that is making this plant so popular. In fact, some nutritionists suggest you look at it as you would a vegetable, only a super-charged one. As it comes with a bevy of antioxidants, vitamins, zinc, and protein. Dr. William Courtney, MD, a proponent of cannabis consumption suggests minimum daily requirements. Similar to how we have daily requirements for calcium intake, and various vitamins, etc. Apparently, that’s how good it is for you. Who knew!
2. Turmeric.
USA Today called turmeric the definitive superfood of the year. And all along it was right on your spice rack. No need to shop around for it. So what’s so great about this common ingredient? Used for thousands of years as a medicine, universities are only now understanding how it works to fight infection. Along with reducing inflammation and treating digestive problems. Some studies even suggest that it has cancer fighting properties, too. Simple enough to prepare if you add it to your curry, turmeric should be one of the easiest superfoods to add to your diet.
3. Watermelon seeds.
Watermelon lovers everywhere will be happy about this one. Perhaps you remember your parents painstakingly picking out all the seeds from watermelons for you? And you got the impression that they would cause you digestive problems, or that a watermelon would grow in your tummy… Not only did we all have it wrong, watermelon seeds pack a nutritional punch. They contain magnesium, iron, folate, and good fats. You can eat them raw with your fresh slice of watermelon. Or you can roast the seeds in the oven for a crispy treat.
4. Bone broth.
Just think about how chicken soup has long been known to contain healing benefits, and you will understand why bone broth is making a comeback. According to some nutrition experts, the gelatin in bone broth that is from chicken bones helps seal up intestinal holes. What this means is it can heal a troubled digestive system, constipation, and other food related digestive problems. It also contains a high amount of minerals, which can strengthen your immune system. Another reason to stock up? Bone broth contains a lot of collagen, which brings vitality and shine back to skin, hair, and nails!
5. Raw cacao nibs.
Okay, you’ve likely heard it before… How chocolate is actually good for you. But have you ever tried raw cacao before it gets processed into bars? That’s not even 70 percent dark. This is 100 percent goodness, with no sugar added, making them an entirely guilt-free treat. Raw cacao nibs are chock0-full of magnesium, antioxidants, and flavonoids. Magnesium is one of those nutrients that can be easy to skimp out on. But it does important work of reducing pain, fatigue, and even helping you sleep better at night. Expect cacao nibs to be a bit crunchy with a deep, deep chocolate favor and a hint of nuttiness. If eating them as-is is a little too adventurous, grind them up. Then sprinkle the powder on top of your morning oatmeal or mix them up into an energy ball recipe.