Unveiling the Myth Behind Misery and Poverty

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(Newswire.net — April 21, 2017) Vancouver, BC — In a time of increased awareness about the world, more people are waking up to two truths:

1. There is more opportunity than ever and;
2. It is increasingly more difficult to get ahead.

The industrial age was firmly transitioned into the information age. As of 2017, the speed, volume and quantity of information has created millennial millionaires as rapidly as it has created the illusion that things are easier today as opposed to earlier years.

Bloomberg recently reported the top most miserable countries were Venezuela, South Africa, Argentina, and Greece. What do these countries have in common?

Economic woes.

Venezuela tops the chart in misery due in large part to a skyrocketing inflation rate. When a cup of coffee increases 1419% in less than a year, everyone suffers.

In Dõv Barons’ new book, What Growing Up Poor Taught Me About Success, Wealth and Leadership,” He dives into several popular myths regarding poverty and happiness. One of the most telling concepts was that poverty directly relates to misery (duh), but there is a cap.

Poor people think about money more often than the wealthy do. Money does buy happiness between -0- and $75,000 annual income. After $75,000, it has very little to do with a person’s happiness.

In his book, he writes, Money is both a stress reliever and a stress creator. Therefore, in the long-term, money does not make us happy, but there again neither does poverty. Happiness isn’t a matter of dollar signs and decimal points. You can be poor and happy and rich and happy, but if you want to be wealthy—which means you have both money and personal fulfillment–you will have to make a commitment to doing just that. That will mean examining the ‘belief lenses’ you are still unconsciously wearing.”

According to Baron, a person’s perspective, the lens through which we perceive things, has more to do with success, happiness and wealth than any other factor. If we believe we are happy, our lives obviously reflect that state.

His best-selling book dives into 5 myths the poor often believe, however, that blocks them from happiness.  

1. “The rich are just lucky” 

While those who are born into wealth certainly have a degree of luck, the vast majority of successful people create it. Imagining that success is some kind of lottery of the Universe is weak thinking and flat out inaccurate.

2. “We may be poor, but at least we have each other” 

This myth purports that wealthy people don’t value relationships… or that they may not have meaningful ones. However, when you ask any wealthy, successful person about the keys to wealth, most will tell you it was their relationships with others that were a key driver to success.

To find out the remaining 3 myths and what you can learn from them, Dõv’s book is available on Amazon.


About Dov Baron

One of Inc. Magazine’s Top 100 Leadership Speakers to hire, Dov Baron is a leadership advisor to the United Nations (UN) & a bestselling author.

Dov Baron

404-938 Howe Street
Vancouver, BC V6Z1N9
+1 (778) 379-7517