Magnesium Supplements Could Alleviate Chronic Back Pain

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( — May 4, 2017) Orlando, FL — There are many pharmaceutical drugs available nowadays that are specifically formulated to fight pain. However, there are also natural remedies, such as minerals, that are thought to be as good as these medications.

Magnesium supplements could alleviate chronic back pain. According to research, back pain is quite common in the United States, and it typically affects adults. When pain develops, there are sufferers who become unable to function and become productive.

The American Chiropractic Association reveals that about 31 million Americans experience this condition at any given time. Back pain can come in various forms. There are those who suffer from annoying twinge while others are crippled by it. It could lead sufferers to be unable to move due to the crippling and agonizing sensation.

Dr. Michael B. Schachter of Schacter Center for Complementary Medicine reveals that magnesium in involved in more than 300 enzymatic reactions in the body. It can be found in many food items, such as nuts, halibut, and leafy greens.

It is important to understand that low magnesium levels in the body are linked with muscle twitching, numbness and tension, spasms, anxiety, headaches, backaches, insomnia, and pain.

Back pain causes sufferers to feel exhausted and drained. Magnesium is believed to work on energy metabolism. It could aid in the manufacturing of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The ATP is the main source of fuel of the body.

The book called “The Complete Doctor’s Healthy Back Bible,” authored by Dr. Stephen Charles Reed and Penny Kendall-Reed, a naturopathic doctor, reveals that low magnesium levels could reduce energy production.

Individuals who have low magnesium levels may be more susceptible to fatigue or depression along with back pain or spasms. The two authors also pointed out that supplementation of the mineral could ameliorate these effects as well as alleviate chronic pain symptoms.

The journal called “Pain Medicine” reveals that magnesium supplementation aided in significantly decreasing pain among individuals suffering from complex regional pain syndrome. This disorder can result in serious pain in any body part.

There are pharmaceutical drugs used in fighting pain and inflammation. However, since these medications could cause some side effects, it would be best to turn to natural remedies such as magnesium.

Aside from taking supplements or choosing the right type of food, consumers may also use the Magnesium Oil Spray with Aloe Vera offered by Purest Vantage. This product could efficiently deliver high amounts of magnesium as well as the therapeutic properties of aloe vera via the skin. (


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