How to Create a Showstopping Trade Stand

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( — invalid date) Salt Lake City, Utah —  Every impression made at a trade show should be lasting, professional and positive and designed to impress upon your clients that quality of your business; so they leave your stand knowing that they want to trade with you. So how to do this…

1. Your booth needs to ‘stand’ out

Trade shows and exhibitions account for a significant part of the marketing budget, therefore it is important that you gain a return on the investment. Pay for the maximum footprint your budget will allow. You do not want your booth to blend in with the rest, it needs to be unique.  Contemporanea Eventi are a specialist trade show booth builder, who work and consult with you to create new and innovative booth designs that really make you stand out from the competition. It is about being multi-sensory, creating interactive spaces wherever possible, encouraging clients to linger, even if your sales team have not had the chance to engage.

2. Everyone loves a freebie

Lots of people attend trade shows to bad the swag! Promotional items can create a huge buzz around your stand and the ripple effect of a busy stand creates more traffic. These are fantastic opportunities to encourage people to your booth but the swag should be integral to the stand, located well inside the stand so that the client takes a step into your territory and therefore must wzw3engage with your stand, giving you and the team the chance to take details, to engage with them before they earn their swag, but make sure it is worth waiting for. Incorporate incentives such as a giveaway at the end of the day, but make sure the client has to share a business card or details first,   Be unique have a miniature golf course and the score relates to the swag you get, think outside the  expo box.

3. Technology, technology, technology

Your booth needs to stand out, this is where technology can give you the upper hand. Exhibition stands now can incorporate digital signage, interactive touch screens, infomercials, social media pages. All of these technological inclusions can attract customers, promote the value of your product or service, by drawing in the client, allowing the client to engage with you and your brand even if the team is tied up with other clients. Engagement with technology can create additional incentives, such as special offer codes sent to attendees mobile phones as they edge nearer your stand or even large format LED displays.

4. Don’t forget your product

This is a showcase for your product or service, therefore make sure that there is a way for the potential client to engage with the products or service, or at least to review evidence such as videos or testimonials. There is no point discussing how amazing your product is if you have not got the evidence to back this up. However, with so many similar product offerings, at a trade show, customers are looking for the value they can gain rather than the features, so have a clear trade show pricing strategy so that the client does not leave without a sale.

Engaging the services of a professional exhibitor can help generate new and creative ideas that you may not have even considered or you did not know was possible. Professional exhibition companies can make the impossible possible