Top 6 Healthy Snacks That Enhance Productivity

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( — June 5, 2017) — Every morning you head out ready to face a full day at work. However, demands at work can deplete your energy. You need plenty of energy and a sharp mind to stay on top of things. Thus it is very important to eat the right foods to improve your productivity. What can ensure that your brain is energized to keep you focused and alert? 

The answer is glucose. It’s a simple sugar that is the main source of energy in the human body. Everything you eat is converted to glucose that is why you have to eat the right food to keep your blood sugar level from spiking. You’ll notice that it is difficult to stay focused when you’re hungry because your body is getting low on glucose.

Therefore, in order to stay productive and have the energy to last through the day, snacking on healthy snacks is essential. Snacking prevents you from overeating, keeps your blood sugar at the right level and supplies your body and your brain with essential nutrients.  

So here are some of the best healthy snack food choices that are brain-and energy-boosting to help you remain productive throughout the day. 

1.  Bananas

Just one banana for your snack will provide you with your glucose requirement for the day. It will be enough to supply you with energy to be productive the entire day. It also has large amounts of carbohydrates, enough to make you feel fuller longer. It’s easy to pack and small enough to fit inside your bag. 

2.  Almonds

If you’re feeling sluggish and out of focus by mid-afternoon, snack on some almonds. Almonds are good for the brain as they are rich in L-carnitine and riboflavin. Almonds have 13% protein and eating just 23 pieces or an ounce of almonds provides you with the right amount of fiber, magnesium and vitamin E. They are also rich in iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and copper – minerals that provide you with energy. 

3.  Dark Chocolate

Some people say that it is not healthy to eat chocolates. It’s true if you’re eating milk chocolate, which contains plenty of sugar. What’s healthier is dark chocolate. It’s abundant in nutrients that boost your performance at work – a combination of caffeine and sugar. But the caffeine in dark chocolate does not make you jittery. Dark chocolate is also rich in magnesium that is an anxiety and stress reliever. 

4.  Apple and peanut butter

If you need a big energy boost mid-morning or mid-afternoon, a great source of energy that is more potent than coffee is apple with peanut butter. An apple has 13 grams of sugar and plenty of antioxidants. Slice apples in the round and spread them with a tablespoon or two of peanut butter. This is a perfect combination of protein and energy to keep you full and your mind sharp.

5.  Hummus and carrots

Try something exotic whether you’re at home or at work – crunchy carrot sticks and creamy hummus. You’ll get the right amount of calories and protein from this combination that packs plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids and luteolin to improve your memory and intelligence. The nutrients help keep you in a good mood as well. Not only will you be more productive, you’ll also feel full longer. 

6.  Granola and yogurt

Did you know that insomnia could be caused by hunger? There is a correlation between the amount of sleep you get and what you eat. If you still have plenty of things to do before you go to bed and you are feeling sluggish and unfocused, supplement your meal with some granola and yogurt. The combination will also give you a good night’s sleep. You’ll be well rested and ready for another hectic day. 

With these six energy and brain boosting healthy snacks, you’ll have more options other than hardboiled egg. They contain the vitamins and minerals to make you productive the entire day. It’s also great to drink green tea rather than soda, or have plenty of water instead of sugar-laden drinks.