4 Ways to Protect Yourself Against Revenge Porn

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(Newswire.net — August 18, 2017) — Man, being a social animal, wants to meet new people, make friends and stay in touch. The urge to meet this need is what has spurred the advancement of social media.

The need to interact with colleagues, and stay in touch with family and friends is what gave way for the creation of the several social media sites that we now have around us today.

Technology has also played its own role by ensuring that chatting with a friend is just one phone-screen-tap away while that family member that stays miles away is just as good as your next door neighbor, thanks to video calls. It’s a global village we live in now.

In the process of meeting new people, people tend to want to take their friendship to a different level. Along the line intimacy sets in, conversations become deeper as both parties try to know each other better, and some go as far as sharing personal information and other private things, like nude pictures.

And this is where the possibility of being a victim of revenge porn sets in. Revenge porn, also known as digital sex crime or nonconsensual porn, is often intended to harass the victim, by circulating sexually graphic images of the victim without the consent of the victim.

So, what can you do to protect yourself?

1. Use private messaging apps

If you’re in a committed relationship, it’s almost impossible to not share intimate messages with your other half every now and then. While it’s okay to be skeptical about sending that picture or that video for fear of being a victim, you can as well use a private messaging app that uses encryption to record messages.

They’re not hard to find, and more keep springing up, especially now that developers can easily get app templates. Just one search, and you’ll find a number of them. With a private messaging app, you can ensure that your personal information is safe from the bad guys and won’t be shared without your consent.

2. Don’t send it

We now live in a world where whatever makes it onto the internet remains there forever, or at least, for the most part of forever. The effect of having your nude photos everywhere on the internet can be devastating.

If leaked, it can hurt one’s self esteem then lead to public degradation which may then lead to humiliation and then isolation. To avoid this, it’s best to say no if you’re asked for a nude picture of yourself. Simply put, don’t send it!

3. Use a password

It’s not only those who send the pictures or videos that fall victim of revenge porn. For some others, they’re simply victims of unauthorized access to either their phones or tablets or PCs because there was no password on them.

To prevent this from happening to you, use the password-protect feature on your computer, mobile devices, photo gallery, applications, etc. This will safeguard your private information from being accessed by those who have ulterior motives.

4. Delete everything

If you’re not using that picture or that video you recorded for fun, why not just delete it to completely prevent any possibilities of falling victim to revenge porn? Truth is, as long as it is on any of your devices, it is still susceptible to being seen by the bad guys. Ever heard of hacking?

So, from your computer to the phones, data storage cards and even cloud storage or drives, ensure you get rid of everything that can make you a victim of revenge porn.

As mentioned earlier, revenge porn is a big deal. It goes beyond the pictures or videos being viewed by half the people you know and the rest of the world. It’s the aftermath that makes it dangerous. With the tips listed above, you’re now better armed to protect yourself against being a victim of revenge porn.