Top 10 Essential Items on the College Packing List

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( — August 22, 2017) — With college just around the corner, students are scouring Target and Bed Bath & Beyond in search of the perfect comforter and shower caddy to bring to college. While there are many bits and bobs to pack, here is a list of the top ten essential items to bring to college. Dont forget to find a Bed Bath and Beyond coupon to help make the whole process a little bit less pricey!

 1. Bedding and towels – can’t sleep on a bare mattress! Sheets, a pillow, comforter, mattress pad, and towels are essential.

 2. Important documents – make sure you have those important documents in case anything happens – social security card, driver’s license, health insurance card, etc. 

 3. Snacks – cafeteria food isn’t great, and even if you are one of the lucky to attend a college with a top-notch cafeteria, you will want to have food on hand for a late night study snack or to grab on the go before an early class.

 4. Laundry detergent – don’t be caught out with a mountain of dirty clothes in your room, bring a bottle of laundry detergent and aim to wash your clothes every other week.

 5. First aid kit – gather hundreds of college students living on their own, and accidents are bound to happen. Stock up on bandages and cleansers, as well as other basic first aid items, and you’ll quickly be regarded as a reliable friend. 

 6. Pictures – chances are this is your first time living away from home. Homesickness is no joke, but decorating your dorm room walls with pictures of family and friends will bring a smile to your face when college seems so far from home. 

 7. Laptop – a laptop is a necessity – to write papers, communicate with professors, check class schedules, download notes, add new friends on Facebook, and work on group projects, among a zillion other things.

 8. Storage containers – dorm rooms are tiny. A variety of storage containers to fit under the bed and in the shoebox closet is a must for storing clothing, shoes and pretty much everything else you’re bringing.

 9. Toiletries – though easy to stock up on at any time, it’s always nice to come prepared with a supply of basic toiletries. On this note, don’t forget shower shoes! Sharing a bathroom with a dozen other college students necessitates covering up your feet.

 10. Clothes and shoes – whether your college is near or far from home, you will want enough clothes to at least last a season (or until your first visit home, if you plan on bringing laundry home to mom!) so a good mix of layering items and a variety of shoes is a must. 

Moving away from home for college is an exciting and scary time in a young adult’s life. Independent for the first time in life, there are a lot of big changes and first-time experiences on the horizon. Make sure you’re prepared for all of the experiences – big and small – so you can focus on making friends and acing those classes.