Credit Card Protectors Are Captivating the Trust of Many Consumers

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( — August 29, 2017) Tallahassee, FL — While it is undeniable that RFID-enabled cards are easy and fast to use, they are also susceptible to crimes such as identity theft. The good news is that there are weapons consumers can use to ward off these criminals.

Credit card protectors continue to captivate the trust of many consumers. These RFID set of blocking sleeves offer 12 card protectors and 2 passport formats. This set has been thought to be an extremely effective identity theft protective tool for men and women.

Identity thieves can be everywhere, from public parks to subways. They are there to prey on their unsuspecting victims in just a matter of seconds. One of the reasons why there is an increase rate of identity theft crime from around the world is the wide availability of electromagnetic card readers.

This type of device is easy to use. As a matter of fact, one doesn’t have to be a genius or to acquire a certain level of technical knowledge to use this device.

Electromagnetic card readers are also widely available in the market today. They can be purchased by anyone in just a matter of clicks online. These card readers are also incredibly inexpensive, considering the important role they play in the increase of identity theft crimes.

This electromagnetic card reader works by establishing signal with the RFID-enabled card. Then it starts stealing personal and financial information even without requiring the thief to hold the card of the victim.

The crime can be consummated in just a matter of seconds. Victims are even left unaware that they have been victimized until they discover the results of the fraudulent purposes their information has been used for.

More and more consumers have actually found it wise to use the RFID blocking sleeves. These sleeves protect personal and financial information that would otherwise be susceptible to thieves.

Electromagnetic readers won’t be able to copy information through these RFID sleeves, which keep private information of consumers secure. Each sleeve is designed to protect a 13.56 MHz card, which include driver’s license, credit cards, and passports.

Through the use of these cards, consumers won’t be susceptible to the hassle of dealing with the consequences of fraudulent transactions carried along with the identity theft crime. They would also be saved from being compelled to cancel cards and other headaches.

Using this set of card protectors is a wise move that could outsmart thieves. It wouldn’t be convenient nor easy not to bring credit and debit cards along just to avoid becoming a victim of identity thieves.

The use of these protector sleeves allows consumers to bring their cards along wherever they go with confidence. They could travel to and from subways and airports without worrying about the electromagnetic card readers, which are always ready to copy their information.

These RFID Vault sleeves are further easy to use. Consumers can insert their IDs and cards inside and out of these sleeves without any trouble at all. It is worth mentioning that these sleeves are made of durable materials, and thus they won’t get easily damaged.

Consumers would be able to take the best value out of their hard-earned money through these sleeves.

This set of RFID Vault Sleeves also comes with a top level customer satisfaction guarantee. Individuals who are unhappy with what these sleeves offer may get a refund. Thus, consumers can purchase this set of sleeves with confidence.

It doesn’t come as a surprise that this set of RFID Vault sleeves is catching the interest and trust of more and more consumers. It has all the features credit and debit card holders have been waiting for.


About RFID Vault

RFID Vault is a brand dedicated to protecting your bank without breaking it! Keep your personal information stored on bank cards, credit cards, driver’s licenses and passports safe a secure. We are dedicated to providing quality RFID products and personal customer service. Learn more at

RFID Vault

75 N Woodward Ave
Tallahassee, FL 32313
United States
(603) 217-5366