(Newswire.net — August 22, 2017) Winnetka, IL — Dentists, Orthodontists, Sleep Doctors, Pediatricians and staff are invited to attend the Healthy Start lecture that is being hosted at Tufts University on Friday/Saturday, September 22nd and 23rd, 2017. We are honored to have the founder of Ortho-Tain, Dr. Earl O. Bergersen as a lecturer at this event. Ortho-Tain and Dr. Bergersen, DDS, MSD, ABO recently celebrated 50 years of treating 3.5 million children around the world.
Ortho-Tain developed the Healthy Start system as a program that addresses the underlying root cause connected to Sleep Disordered Breathing. Sleep Disordered Breathing in children is a much more critical and common problem than what has been previously thought. SDB can manifest itself in a variety of outward symptoms that can be easily over-looked, misdiagnosed, and, most unfortunately, left untreated. The Healthy Start system is a non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical, form of treatment that uses a series of specially designed appliances to promote proper breathing habits. Healthy Start addresses mouth breathing, snoring, open-bite, cross bite, narrow palate, improper jaw development, speech difficulties, thumb/finger sucking, and improper swallowing. The system treats orthodontic problems such as crowding, overbite, overjet, gummy smiles, and class III corrections.
Early intervention is critical when addressing sleep issues. A recent study of 501 Healthy Start patients from the ages of 2 to 19 found that 9 out of 10 children display at least one or more symptoms of Sleep Disordered Breathing. This study also found that between 4 and 12 years of age, 92.6% of symptoms did not self-correct while 30% worsened with age. The four most common symptoms found among this sample include mouth breathing, snoring, talking in sleep, and teeth grinding. The dentist is well positioned to uncover these problems and guide the parents into seeking a solution.
Correcting or modifying these sleep symptoms, particularly before a child enters school, can be a lifesaving procedure and one that can greatly improve the child’s well-being in school and their normal social interaction with other children. To alter even a single symptom, such as prolonged bed-wetting, can dramatically change a child’s life. It is essential that treatment to alleviate SDB symptoms in children begin as early as possible to set the growing dental/skeletal patterns right. Correction and promotion of proper oral habits puts the child on a path to a long and healthy life.
Professionals interested in gaining a greater understanding of SDB and how the Healthy Start System addresses both sleep and skeletal growth conditions can participate and earn CE Credits in a two-day course. This course provides the necessary information for both the Doctor and staff to identify, evaluate and understand the treatment protocols.
The Healthy Start Boston Course will be on the Tufts University campus at the Merritt Auditorium. If you would like more information, please feel free to contact us at contact@thehealthystart.com.
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If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Susie LaFredo at susie@healthystartchild.com
About HealthyStart™ by Ortho-Tain
With over 500 patents HealthyStart™️ is based on 50 years of research and the experience of treating over 3.5 million children around the world.
HealthyStart™ by Ortho-Tain
950 Greenbay RoadWinnetka, IL 60093
United States