Imagining the Immortality Scenario

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( — August 30, 2017) —  Who wants to live forever? It’s a question that we have all heard at one point in time and one that we have all thought about. It’s usually redundant, because we don’t get the choice anyway. But in the future we might get the choice. There is technology out there that could ensure we all live a lot longer.

This technology could cure many problems that humans have, from diseases and disorders to the biggest problem of all: age.

How we May One Day Live Forever

There are a number of ways that we may one day be able to live forever. One of the most exciting of these involves the use of medications created using stem cells and nano-medications. The former can essentially treat cells in our body, potentially focusing on damaged and diseased ones and converting them into new, healthy ones. The former can allow us to take “personalized” medications that focus on specific mechanisms of action and don’t come with a long list of side effects.

All of these beliefs are connected with something known as Transhumanism. There is quite a lot to explore with this topic, but in its simplest form, it is a belief that humans can evolve beyond what we are now. It is the belief that we can one day become so much more than the limited, disease prone, aging vessels of flesh and blood that we are right now.

For instance, we may one day deem the bodies that we have to be holding us back and determine that the best course of action is to download our brains into AI, through which we can live indefinitely (although we have yet to result understand what consciousness is, let alone how to download it). We may be able to use 3D printers to print healthy new organs at the drop of a hat, thus eliminating the need for organ donors.

It may even involve hacking into the human brain or the human body itself. After all, we are nothing but a series of electrical impulses that control our movement and our thoughts, so while it’s unlikely, there is a possibility that one day we can find a way to hack humanity. 

Immortality Beyond Age

Of course, living forever isn’t just a case of stopping the aging process. Let’s imagine a scenario where we were able to stop the aging process and to make sure that all diseases were cured. Such a world would not be without death. There would be billions more people alive than there are now and that overpopulation will likely lead to a lot of hunger.

Right now, millions of people are going hungry every day and that’s in a world that has disease and death. Without those things, hunger would increase drastically. On top of that, the murder rate would also likely increase.

Right now, the murder rate in the U.S. is quite high, but it seems to be slowing down. However, with bigger populations, more people living in cities and more issues with war, terrorism and conflict, these would likely increase as well.

In other words, curing disease and stopping the aging process is just the first step of many in creating the perfect utopia. And it could be argued that if that step was to be completed and the only way people could die was through hunger and murder, then the world of the future would be even more terrifying than it is now.