10 Things Chiropractic Grads Should Consider

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(Newswire.net — August 31, 2017) River Falls, WI — Graduating from chiropractic school can often be the most stressful time in a chiropractor’s career. With the right guidance, many of those worries can be organized into a manageable task list. Here are ten early considerations to get you started on your journey.

1) Resume writing.

The first step to any job is writing the proper resume. A chiropractic resume is different from a corporate resume. Your chiropractic resume should be no longer than one and one half pages, and should be tailored to your specific knowledge. Do you want to specialize in sports injuries? Make sure your resume reflects that. Don’t be afraid to put down previous jobs either, as skills such as being personable and taking initiative translate well in any industry.

2) Add professional references.

These should be specific to the chiropractic industry, if possible. The more people that can vouch for your work, the better off you will be. Consider whom you’ve made a great impression on in chiropractic school. Did you meet anyone at a networking event that you feel would provide a quality endorsement? Have you been represented by anyone in the industry who is trying to find you a placement? These are all good references to have.

3) Know where to practice.

Move at least one hour away from your school and out of state if possible. The highest concentration of chiropractic offices happens to be in metropolitan areas right around a chiropractic school. There are many places out of state that have a low cost of living but a high quality of life. If you have a family, or plan on having a family, it is important to consider the school systems in the area as well.

4) Focus on your board scores.

Wisconsin and North Carolina have the highest board requirements, which eliminates most of the hiring pool and drives salaries up in those regions. In which states are you eligible for employment? Finding the state with the highest requirements your qualifications fit can ensure you a greater pay.

5) Evaluate your potential employer.

How do they treat their customers? Does their facility look updated and cared for? Considering things like this not only tells you how much money a practice makes, but how seriously they take the work they do. All of this will reflect on you, your work style, and even your future in the industry.

6) Know how long staff members stick around at a practice you are considering.

This goes for staff of any kind. Does a practice rotate through front desk employees every 18 months? That may be a sign that working for this employer could be unfulfilling or that employees aren’t treated very well. Find a practice that retains employees and you are more likely to be happy with your work.

7) Investigate practice procedures.

How does a practice operate? How do they communicate in general? Do they use technology, or do they have stacks of paperwork sitting around? How do they remind patients of upcoming appointments? If they do this electronically, it is a good sign that the practice is focused on long-term goals. This not only makes life more convenient for patients, but it makes your job easier too.

8) Consider patient volume and long-term growth.

Even if a practice doesn’t have patients coming in and out faster than a revolving door, joining that practice may nevertheless be a good long-term decision. In whatever areas you’re looking, consider the economy. Are new office buildings and rental properties springing up? Do local shops and restaurants seem to be at maximum capacity? If so, the area you’re considering may soon have an influx of new patients. In contrast, if a practice already has a high patient volume, you’ll want to look at the key signs around town to know if it will stay that way. In many cases, growing with a practice can do wonders for your career.

9) Training.

When considering a practice, ask if they have a training program. Then there is no confusion early on about what you should be doing and how you should be doing it. At the very minimum, the practice should offer a 90-day training program to set you up for success.

10) Decide whether or not to start your own practice.

There are many reasons to start your own practice. If business ownership is a goal of yours, then all of these previous points will come into play. You will need to have a legitimate facility in a prime location, a training program, a set of policies and procedures, a network to support you, and of course, you’ll need to know where and how to staff your practice.

For more information from Melissa or any questions you may have pertaining to the chiropractic industry, please visit http://mkchiropracticrecruiting.com.

Melissa Kolb Chiropractic Recruiting

215 N 2nd St.
River Falls, WI 54022
United States