It’s the PROBLEMS that produce SUPERHEROES in Business

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( — September 4, 2017) Clearfield, UT — Have you ever taken the opportunity to brag about the incredible customer service you received at a restaurant, retail store or other business?  Think about which stories that you have passed on to others. Without hearing the story, I can tell you it all started with a PROBLEM. 


A couple years ago I was involved with a business lunch at a local restaurant. While discussing a sales opportunity the waitress walked by our table, slipped and threw a tray with 2 glasses of cranberry juice hitting me right in the chest.  I was wearing a white shirt with my tie and suit.  The shirt was instantly cranberry colored.  The waitr

ess didn’t say a word just ran off. (I assumed to get some towels etc.)  We began cleaning it upourselves and the waitress did come back a few minutes later with some towels.  She also said that the cranberry juices were going to be free and I wouldn’t have topay for them. . . I actually laughed.  One of the guys at our table was angry. (more so than I, even though he didn’t receive any of the juice surprise.)    He told the waitress that she had no idea how to solve a problem and that she should just go away.  


Luckily a manager came by and saw the exchange. The manager instantly had three other people there cleaning up.  He let me know that they would also dry-clean my clothes for me. But inquired as to my schedule for the rest of the day. I did let him know that I had a seminar that I would need to speak at in a couple hours. He immediately asked my shirt size and if it would be okay if he ran

to a nearby Nordstrom’s, and purchased a new shirt and tie for me.  By the time, we finished our meals he had a top of the line shirt and tie back and ready for me. He then again asked to dry-clean my clothes for me.  Later that day he called me and asked how the presentation went and again apologized.  He checked back with me several other times.  Today, we are still friends and I take business associates to his restaurant many times each month. I telleveryone that they have the best customer service. 




         Without this problem, do you think I would still remember that business lunch several years later?  He took an accident and made it into a relationship. This story has been told and retold many times emphasizing the HEROIC efforts of this restaurant manager. 

         In today’s busy, over-stimulated atmosphere, we often hear business executives seeking for solutions to making a connection with their clients or customers.  They often wonder if they have the right content or relevant message that will break through the clutter and connect.


Perhaps Problem solving in an extraordinary fashion can be a kick-off to going viral.   

Don’t overlook this opportunity:


Decide with your team which possible accidents or problems need to be solved in an extraordinary fashion to gain positive


works better when it is planned.

Quite often when a problem occurs, it is urgent – and we jump to see how quick we can correct the issue.  We feel the urgency and realize that sometimes our arsenal for solving issues quickly is limited.

BUT, . . what if instead, you took the time to brainstorm possible issues that could arise and also planned methods to solve them in an extraordinary fashion.  Instead of being reactionary to critical issues, you are now proactive providing methods and tools to solve issues, problems and concerns.   


Every problem should be considered an opportunity for a positive message about your company to GO VIRAL!

Possible Examples:

  • Check does not get mailed on time.
  • Wrong product mailed out.
  • Appointment missed.
  • Wrong price was charged
  • Price was double charged
  • Meeting inadvertently cancelled
  • Etc. 


Years ago, while leading the marketing and public relations for a $2 billion-dollar grocery entity, we found that quite often our key store leaders were missing this opportunity.

As a customer would return a gallon of milk that they deemed unusable, some leaders would do the following:

Leader Action

Possible Result

Leader Sniffs the gallon milk

Customer feels untrusted

Leader Checks closely the cap or receipt

Customer feels accused of doing something wrong

Or – the leader notices that the cap on the milk is from a competitor store.  Accuses customer of trying to steal.

Customer is offended and angry.

Leader tells a cashier to give them their money back.

Customer feels that they have been passed to an underling



  • Customer is a single parent. The kids were pouring milk on their cereal before school.  When they noticed the off taste, or smell they threw away the cereal in the bowels.  The mom wanted to make sure they had breakfast so she had to pay more and run them thru the fast-food drive-thru. This made them late to school so she had to go into the office and check each child in.  This resulted in her being late to her job and her boss chewed her out for being tardy.
  • When mom comes to the store to return the milk, she has had to spend extra money on the ruined cereal and the fast-food breakfast.  She is feeling beat down for the extra time it took to check the kids into school and the brow-beating she got from her job.  She wants to hurry and get this solved so she can have a better day tomorrow.


What if we had a BUSINESS SUPERHERO handling any issues that occurred in the stores?

Business SuperHero Action

Possible Result

SUPERHERO apologizes

Customer feels understood

SUPERHERO immediately PERSONALLY goes and gets them a replacement gallon of milk and also a box of their favorite cereal and maybe some bananas to slice on top.

Customer feels that some of the extra money they had to spend on this is being replaced.

Or – SUPERHERO notices that the cap on the milk is from a competitor store.  ** HAS FUN jokingly saying I am glad you brought the competitors bad milk here – we would want you to have our best milk not theirs.

Customer does not feel embarrassed and a relationship starts to form as they share a laugh.

SUPERHERO personally handles all aspects of the return and let them know how sorry they are for causing any problems in their week.

Customer feels that solving her issue must be important for a leader to personally handle all aspects.

          Take the time to do your own research by asking friends, family business associates etc. “What was the best customer service experience you ever had?”. I am positive you will see the same results. .  they remember when a problem occurred and was then solved in an extraordinary fashion.




About Steve Reich

Steve Reich, Corporate Executive Leader, Entrepreneur, Best Selling Author, Speaker, Mentor Master Trainer – Guerrilla Marketing, Founder and President of R Marketing Dept. Steve Reich, was born to do marketing with his creativity and understanding of client and customer personalities and motives. Reich focuses his time and efforts in helping businesses make emotional connections that produce results. Using Guerrilla Marketing methods, Reich teaches unconventional exciting and viral methods to get noticed and become newsworthy. R Marketing Department – Creative executives focus on teaching Marketing and Public Relations skills and techniques. Using Guerrilla Marketing methods, R marketing Dept. has helped many businesses to reach new levels in profits and sales. Some of the efforts include the following courses: PR University – Focuses on helping businesses become newsworthy and get 3rd party recommendations and endorsements. From media coverage to Opinion leader-recommendations, PR University puts your company on the map. Product Launch Academy – Focuses on assisting companies launch new products in the marketplace. From nutritional labeling to retail buyer connections this program is extremely helpful in bypassing costly trial and error. With many relationships with large and small retail organizations, this program has been incredible in helping new products get into retail distribution and produce high sales and profits.

Steve Reich

1266 South Legend Hillds Drive
Suite B3
Clearfield, UTah 84015
United States