(Newswire.net — October 3, 2017) Winnetka, IL — Healthy Start’s Digital Approach focuses on the Pediatric treatment of breathing, airway and improper growth and development while simultaneously overseeing the treatment of two Healthy Start Patients. This platform is not designed to be a single class but a continuous learning environment that provides research, study group opportunities, attendance to a future live course and as always, the support and guidance from our Healthy Start experts all while treating your Healthy Start patients.
“My staff and I get excited over doing Healthy Start cases! It really makes it life changing for the staff to get involved. They get to know the patient and family. We are seeing dramatic changes in these kids from their 1st appointment to the next. In some cases, they have been diagnosed with ADHD and are unable to sit still in the dental chair, they come back, tell us about their day and are excited over that A they received on a spelling test or how they’re not tired and can pay attention better or overall, they just feel happier and successful. It makes dentistry more rewarding and I think our profession needs this. Dental providers who ignore this system are missing the boat. Healthy Start needs to be incorporated into every dental practice … to be aware, evaluate and treat sleep and airway issues,” says Dr. Diana Batoon, DMD in her testimonial.
The topics discussed are:
- Sleep Disordered Breathing
- Development of Dentition
- Facial Growth and Development
- Screening for sleep, breathing and airway issues
- Understanding the orthodontics and underlying root causes of sleep, breathing and airway issues.
- Important terms to understand in the sleep world and the orthodontic world
- Diagnostic criteria and submittal of cases
- Healthy start serties of treatment
- Portal implementation
- Increasing patient flow
- How to market and bridge the gap between dental and medical professionals and bridge the gap between dental and medical professionals.
This platform is an eight-session program
- Each session includes a 2-hour presentation that can be completed over a two-week period.
- Followed by a study group meeting led by a Healthy Start expert and provider. Materials will be reviewed, questions and discussion on implementation of materials into the practice
- A step by step approach for selection of two patients (ages 2 – 12) that the Dr. will be treating simultaneously to course.
- Approved PACE Program Provider FAGO/MAGO
Credit Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGO endorsement. January 1, 2017 to December 31 , 2019
Provider AGO ID# 210379 - Additional staff materials are provided in separate zoom meeting to set up for assistance and guidance in office implementation.
The ability to treat two Healthy Start patients under the guidance of Healthy Start experts will provide the greatest of learning experience for doctors, staff and pediatric patients.
These two full HealthyStart™ cases (include both diagnosis and HealthyStart™ Appliance System) will treat two cases and each aspect of the treatment will be addressed, reviewed and implemented. This private study group setting will allow for discussion along with treatment protocol. These two selected patients can be the Doctor’s own children, staff member’s children or children within the community. This means two children will gain the advantages of treatment with the HealthyStart™ Appliance System and 100% profit for the Doctor in training.
The ‘Digital’ Hand-On Process includes:
- Sleep Questionnaire
- Determining Appliance therapy for patient
- Providing HealthyStart™ App Cooperation assistance and weekly progress check
- Diagnostic forms and record gathering
- Treatment Protocol
- Transition into growth and development phase of treatment
Included with the Digital Educational Series is the opportunity for Dr. and staff’s future participation in a live HealthyStart™ lecture offered at many locations across the country.
Seize the opportunity! This innovative platform is secure, convenient and creates a comprehensive, interactive learning environment creating possibilities beyond limits!
HealthyStart™ is the Technology of Our Generation and the Orthodontic Innovation of the Future!
Healthy Start will be in Atlanta at the ADA Annual Meeting October 19 – 23. Stop by and see us at Booth #2018.
Live 30 minute presentations will be held at our booth on Friday, October 20, by Dr. Diana Batoon, DMD at 12:00 p.m. and Saturday, October 21 by Dr. Amanda Wilson, DDS, MDS.
For more information, please contact 847-446-7600.
About Healthy Start by Ortho-Tain
Celebrating 50 years, Dr. Earl Bergersen, founder, developer and innovator of the Healthy Start/Ortho-Tain technique has treated over 3.5 million children. Our goal is to educate parents and provide permanent solutions.
Healthy Start by Ortho-Tain
950 Greenbay RoadWinnetka, IL 60093
United States