How Your Makeup Could Be Downing Your Health

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( — January 5, 2018) — It is a conundrum, aging makes us feel less attractive, so we use makeup to hide our imperfections. The problem? The very thing that we may be applying to our skin may be at the heart of our health, literally.

Not many people consider the things that they put on their skin with much scrutiny. After all, it is just put on the skin, how much damage can that do? Most of the things that we put into our bodies are absorbed through the skin, which is why it is a very important subject and one that should not be ignored.

Many of the beauty regimens that we take part in daily may be not only doing us harm, but it may also be speeding up the aging process. When you put makeup on your face, you are covering up the pores of the skin. That can lead to acne at best, deprivation of oxygen at the cellular level, at worst. In totality, using makeup daily, like foundation, can make your skin age much more quickly than going natural.

As consumers, we typically walk down the isle of the local grocery store and just assume that if it is on the shelves, it has been deemed safe. That is a misnomer that should be corrected. When it comes to cosmetics, products have come a long way to ensure safety, but there are still some hidden dangers in many of the beauty products being sold.

Beauty products are not always as healthy as you would believe, some of them can have some drawbacks to using, especially for the long-term. Side effects of cosmetics can range from herpes infections to mercury poisoning, and are not to be taken lightly.

We all want to be beautiful, but beauty should not come at a price to your health. These are the cosmetics we use and the consequences that can result. Make sure that you know the dangers before applying anything directly to your body.


Eyeliner has been around for decades. Although the way it is applied has changed from generation to generation, the new trend is something called the waterline”. It is when you apply it directly to the lid of the under eye. The problem with the application is that when you draw on the actual lid, you cut down on its original purpose which is to keep particles from the eye. That can lead to irritation and infection. If you are going to use an eyeliner, use it instead as a thin layer below the eye instead of directly on the inlet.


Mascara is supposed to extenuate the length and thickness of our eyelashes. With new natural enhancers, some women have opted to stop using it. If you are going to continue to apply mascara, make sure that you understand that it has an expiration date. Often, women don’t know that it is only good for three to six months. If you use it for more than that period, you may be introducing bacteria to the eye, which can result in irritation, or worst case scenario, an infection.

Nail polish

Not many could conceive that something as benign as nail polish could be as harmful as it is. Some polishes contain a triad of bad chemicals. Toluene and dibutyl phthalate are two chemicals that are linked to birth defects, and then there is formaldehyde, which is a known carcinogen. Once put on the nail bed, it can be absorbed into the body. If you are going to make your nails and toes pretty, check the ingredient list to ensure that the toxic trio is not present before applying it to your nails.


Phthalate is a chemical similar to dibutyl phthalate and can cause concern when used over time. It is commonly used as a chemical in body washes, shampoos and many of the soaps that are on the market. Banned in other countries due to suspicions of having an effect on the reproductive system over generations, it is smart to check your favorite products. If they do contain it, it may be a good idea to find one that is devoid of it. Although inconclusive, why take a chance.

Skin creams

It is hard to imagine that there are still some skin creams in the industry that contain mercury. Since skin creams are not under the jurisdiction of the FDA, many skin lighteners contain mercury, which is known to aid in fading dark spots. Not such a fair trade off, mercury for whiter skin, you may want to think about the potential dangers of applying mercury directly to your dark spots.

Beauty is not only skin-deep. In fact, using beauty products can go way deeper than just the skin. Before you apply anything, weigh the pros and cons to avoid the Winnipeg funeral home, and to ensure that you aren’t doing yourself a disservice by jeopardizing your health, your reproductive future, or even aging your skin more quickly than necessary.